Month: April 2007
bcz not everyone is going to bed in comfort tonight. Not everyone has a safe place to call home. Not everyone has had a meal today. Not everyone has a pair of shoes, a suit of clothes, a source of shelter and comfort. Not everyone has a drink of water. Not everyone will shut off […]...
More Slices of Life
my new friend…
So I had my second night’s rest with my new inflexible friend: night-guard. Now, this little night-guard is a clear piece of plastic that is exactly fitted to my upper teeth. This little piece of plastic is to be faithfully worn at night to prevent bruxism (see Wiki’s) or teeth-grinding. Now, I didn’t know that […]...
More Slices of Life
and to think this all started with the Ford Motor company…
So, I was reading mails that came through this afternoon…. more help for dysfunctions, more pharmaceuticals and diet aids and of course, today’s hurry-make-your-voice-vote-opinion-yada-yada-yada known! Hurry… the country’s going to hellinahandbasket if you don’t do something fast. A mouse click and your voice could save this nation. So, today’s AFA report was in regard to […]...
another day’s slice
What am I thinking about these days? Finding time. Finding time to write, to plan out some writing and some talks, to paint (not paint, paint… paint rooms in this house… no, I am not that creative), to work on some intense school drills with a few of the children, to iron the soon-to-be-a-mountain of […]...
About that “Thinking Blogger…”
I thought I would get to this earlier… but, alas, I did not. So tonight while Samuel was playing soccer and a few of the children went to cheer, a couple of left-behind’s were here finishing up their schoolwork… ooops! I scurried around attempting to regain a bit of order here at home. Then some […]...
the thinking blogger award
I don’t get tagged for things very often and the times I have, I haven’t responded with a reply more than a couple of times. So, I’m a bit reluctant to reply or to make a list this time, but I sort of like the premise of the meme and so have decided to make […]...
school phobia?
The enemy’s tactics (to undermine and destroy families) are astonishing. I’ve paid attention to an ongoing story in Germany bcz of the implications here in the States. Young Melissa Busekros was removed from her home bcz her parents were homeschooling her (and her siblings). Consider: Fifteen officers were sent to her home for her removal, […]...
More Slices of Life
Gardening & Browsing blogs today…
I had to come inside from doing yardwork. I’m pretty sure I might have died otherwise. I have aches in places I didn’t know I had muscles or in places I didn’t have muscles. I love to garden but bcz of having surgery last spring, I didn’t do any gardening last year. So… this year […]...
adding to the thousands of reasons list…
Just when I stopped adding to this weeks entries on the Thousands of Reasons list… I have to add another. In fact, I was sort of considering that maybe I’d set up a page on the site where I would compile snips of articles or links. Maybe I’ll do it… yep, some other day. So […]...