Month: June 2011
Wasting Experiences
Do you occasionally emerge from a situation — a conversation, a class, a conference… an experience — and say or think: Well, that was sure a waste of time or that was a wasted opportunity or that was a waste of money. We do say or think those things, from time to time, don’t we? […]...
Things are looking up!
I just heard that phrase. It has nothing to do with anything in particular, but I was just thinking: doesn’t just hearing that phrase lift your thoughts? Imagine if you were to be shopping for groceries this afternoon and you were to overhear someone in the next aisle say: Things are looking up! You’d probably […]...
my story
Stuff’s going to work out.
I know. I’d probably grimace if one of my kids started an essay: “Stuff’s going to work out.” But, it’s on my mind today: stuff — and how it works out. But I want to begin by saying: stuff’s probably not going to work out how you thought it would — or even how you […]...
In the life of a blog…
It seems that at some point in the life of every blog there’s a post about blogs in general, about bloggers and why they blog or, specifically, a post about that blog and its purpose. I don’t know why we do it, but every now and then we do it – we feel the need […]...
my story
What you’ve been through…
Browsing through a bunch of papers and stuff… a slip of paper… the quote: “It is in the quiet crucible of your personal private sufferings that your noblest dreams are born and Gods greatest gifts are given in compensation for what you’ve been through. –Wintley Phipps The paper is yellowed, the ink is smudged. I […]...
my story
Streams - Desert
Springtime came…
I smile as I look back and recall a blog entry I wrote on the 22nd of March called Springtime… seasons. At the end of that post I wrote: “… And I can truly say that God has had the sweetest surprises in store for me following some of the seemingly most barren seasons. Praise […]...