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  5. Amy,
    Thank you for taking time to write to us. I know it’s a controversial matter and surely many/most do not whole heartedly agree with the feminine dress suggestions we make. And, you’re very right in the different points you make regarding the dress of men and women and the dress or practices in “Biblical times.” Many years ago I came to the position I hold to this day regarding modest/feminine dress — and distinguishing masculine and feminine dress and for this reason, I haven’t owned a pair of slacks/jeans for over 20 years. This decision came to me at a conference where I saw many beautiful sisters wearing pants/pant suits — even tastefully fitting — and yet, when they reached down to gather things I couldn’t help but notice shapes and accentuated areas of the body I have come to believe ought to be covered — so I began to study the effect of different forms of dress for men and for women; the allure of women, the effect of women’s dress styles on men’s thought-life, etc., etc., and I studied a bit longer after talk it all over with my husband and making the personal decision regarding modest/feminine apparel I hold to this day. Interestingly, I came to this conclusion some time after doing a study of God’s designed roles for men and women and their differences.

    I know this breaks down and that there are no real hard lines one could draw — especially knowing there are very feminine looking pants/etc. available. But in general, to me it’s important to align myself with God’s design (male and female created He them) and not wearing clothing that pertains to the other (Deuteronomy 22.5) this would also be sort of hard to come to a hard fast rule over — thus I just don’t even spend time trying to split hairs over what’s feminine and what’s masculine — instead I go with a covering issue and dresses/skirts seem to me to deal best with this. Again, my desire is simply to encourage women to embrace their femininity (and, btw, these are just suggestions — and this is not legalistic talk — this is not a salvation issue and cannot/mustn’t be construed as such and this would be one of those endless doubtful disputations issues and therefore not appropriate/necessary for haggling over). Our (American) culture seems to generally not care regarding the needful distinguishing of men’s roles and women’s roles and dress. I pray to be a help, not a hindrance and surely not attack those who don’t see it this way at all. I just want to encourage women to seek purity, honour and modesty. Sometimes I see that God seems to exaggerate (I don’t mean change or make special exceptions) His call/requirements on some lives and others glean what seems to be very different results. Anyway…. no offense intended here (and none take, by the way). Just iron sharpening iron. I’ve received letters like this many many times through the years and always appreciate the opportunity to discuss the matter of modest/feminine attire. God bless you.

  6. I am a little concerned about many opinions I hear regarding why women should wear dresses. While I do feel that dresses are more modest and am moving in the direction of wearing long skirts and dresses for that reason, I do not agree with the idea of women wearing dresses to distinguish themselves from men in a way that is biblically commanded. The Bible never says that women must wear dresses so avoid being mistaken for men. And I don’t typically have any problem (nor does anyone else I know) distinguishing men from women. Pants for women are pretty feminine. Too femine, really. Men did not wear shirts and trousers in biblical times, and I actually feel that they are too immodest when a man tucks in his shirt. I would much prefer that men and women would dress per Jewish customs in biblical times, with both women and men wearing long tunics with outer robes. Though the women’s tended to be longer than the men’s, they were both much closer to our modern day modest dresses than anything our men wear today. They were distinguised by being a little longer for the women and by being more elaborate or more brightly colored for the ladies.

    It just seems hypocritical to me to say that women should only wear dresses and not pants like men when men did not wear pants as men wear today. Perhaps what we should be telling people instead is that men should wear shorter dresses than women. Or perhaps we should begin to return to old customary clothing traditions of biblical times and return to wearing tunics and robes.

  7. Hi! I found I was getting quite a few hits from this website http://www.achristianhome.org/ModestFeminine/Modest_Clothing_for_you.htm and wanted to thank you for linking me. I thought maybe http://www.mariemadelinestudio.com would be a good fit for your link page, probably even better than mine. They are definitely carving out a niche in modest yet lovely dressing for young women. They sew sweet, darling, fashionable, modest clothing for others as well as sell their fabrics. Such a beautiful family, the girl’s will make you laugh with their bubbling, sweet,funny, personalities. I cannot say enough good things about them, I just love the Long ladies.

    Thank you!
    Jenny Fish

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    I was looking at your blog and I feel like I have a product that you would really enjoy reviewing! We are a company from Utah specializing in layering pieces that expand wardrobes for women and girls started by 2 women who wanted to create a product that would promote modesty and help women and girls feel comfortable in today’s latest fashions, as well as extend wardrobes in these tough economic times. It’s called Halftee (check us out on the web at halftee.com or halfteegirlee.com) I would love to be able to work together. Please feel free to look at our site and choose any item that you would like to review and I will be happy to get that right out to you!!!

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