• Faith - Life in Laodicea

    It’s easy to forget some things.

    It’s easy to forget some things — many things — really. It’s especially easy to forget things in a moment of panic, in the tyranny of the urgent or after a long span of time. Or, in an obituary. Or at a memorial service. I’m thinking you know what I mean.  Attending numerous funerals and memorial services through the years has kept this thought pretty fresh in my mind.  Time has a way of softening rough edges in some relationships — sharpening them in others — and has a way of distorting things when the accumulation of days, experiences and…

  • Devotionals - Life in Laodicea - Society - The Church Today

    The Love of the Truth

    Can you believe we’re living in these days?  That in the history of the world — His-story — we’re alive in these days!  Remarkable!  Truly remarkable!  These thoughts and more came to me while reading in 2 Thessalonians 2 and elsewhere today. All over the world there are great surges of sensational events  — and they truly are worldwide; the world is in chaos.  And the catastrophes  are piling up!  The multifaceted cataclysmic tragedy in Japan seems to me to be a great picture of these days — especially within the church. And a subtle, but similar rumbling is afoot…

  • Life in Laodicea - Potpourri - The Church Today

    slip-slidin’ away…

      So, you’re here again today for a visit at the kitchen table.  I’m having a cup of tea… because of some recent health problems, I’m making some radical changes.  Yes… sniffle, sniffle, one of them includes drastically reducing coffee consumption — caffeine, really, and anything that contributes to high blood-pressure and high cholesterol.  I have a little elevation of one and a lot of the latter.    So, I’m trying not to get too caught up in the going’s on.  But it’s really difficult to ignore blatant apostacy.  I mean, as I have written a number of times in…

  • Life in Laodicea - Society


    “We should not let 2% of the population determine or change the definition of marriage….” RW Back to “…Rwanda……and what the recession is doing to the spiritual climate of our nation…”