Category: In the Kitchen
Home Sweet Home
In the Kitchen
Cake Pops
A little more traveling around… this time, I want to share with you a fun idea: Cake Pops! You’ve no doubt seen these in shoppes and Starbucks… but you don’t need to pay the high price to try one of these or to share them with your family. You can make them at home — […]...
In the Kitchen
Preparedness Stuff
A Well Stocked Pantry and a PPP List
You might consider taking a good look into your pantry… what you’ve got on hand, what do you use most often and what’s lacking? Then, if you have them, take a look at your most recent grocery receipts – most stores give enough description for you to cipher what’s on the receipt. This is […]...
In the Kitchen
Cookies… and more.
Of all the cookbooks I have — and I have many — surely, among my favourites are by Susan Branch — the different “Heart of the Home” cookbooks I began receiving as gifts after Kathryn was born in 1986. They were then, and are now, among my treasured books — not only bcz I have […]...
Humour stuff
In the Kitchen
Slices of Life
I was wondering about the origin of the word, Acronym. And then got to thinking about different acronyms I regularly read. A few, I couldn’t remember the actual meaning — I see some of them every day, but for the life of me, I cannot remember what they stand for. In case you are […]...
In the Kitchen
Preparedness Stuff
Write It All Down Before You Forget
If you spend time with me… you know it won’t be very long before you notice me writing something down. I write lots of notes — I even write notes about notes. Well, tonight in this “write it all down before you forget” blog entry, I actually want to encourage you to add more to […]...
In the Kitchen
Autumn’s ushering in Winter
It’s sure chilly-chilly here tonight!! The forecast even includes snow! Suddenly it seems to be just fine to give up wishing for warmer days and working in the garden for the year — for now, baking season is here! And around our home it’s time for “special requests.” By this, I mean that it’s time […]...
In the Kitchen
my story
My First Pie
My first pie was probably the best pie I’ve ever made — though my mama tells me that a fresh blackberry pie I made something like eight years after that first pie was the best pie I ever made. I don’t know if either one was really the best — but in my fond memories, […]...
In the Kitchen
My husband’s birthday was on Tuesday — we began the day’s celebration with aebelskivers for breakfast for him! I make aebelskivers for special breakfasts — but sometimes, when it seems it’s been ‘awhile’ since I made them, someone will ask for them for breakfast (or dinner!). We serve them with powdered sugar (as you see […]...
In the Kitchen
MM Fondant
I’m learning to make some pretty smooth fondant for wedding cakes — well, any cake, actually! This is so easy to make and tastes so nice, I can’t figure out why I ever bought “ready-made” fondant! Not to mention the price. Okay, I will. The cost to make fondant is *significantly* less than the retail […]...
Health / PCOS
In the Kitchen
The Church Today
Link Potpourri
Men Pleasers I’ve often wondered how, or by what means, the church will be carried away — what will it look like when the elect are deceived (Mark 13.22) and who’ll deceive and be deceived (2Timothy 3.13). When “An influential evangelical leader is coming under fire for saying in a NPR interview he believes in […]...