• Homemaking - Letters to my Sisters - Slices of Life - Titus2

    The Next Right Thing

    Over the years I’ve used a phrase numerous times in all sorts of seasons, mental spaces, homemaking, motherhood, even on this blog — the phrase: do the next right thing.  This concept wasn’t learned overnight and it wasn’t learned easily.  It wasn’t something that came naturally to me — as disciplines of motherhood didn’t come naturally to me. But, from the beginning, God was working in me to will and to work for His good pleasure. –Philippians 2.13. Day by day He has been working disciplines into my life and I share these things with you that you might experience the same:…

  • Faith - Letters to my Sisters - marriage - my story

    Married for Keeps – The Treasure

    [cp_dropcaps]M[/cp_dropcaps]ay the LORD be with you and bless you this day!  He is so gracious to us all and His mercies are new every morning.  I share this before I share my letter with you because I know that each time I share a letter on marriage, there are sisters whose hearts are breaking and the pain of marital difficulties weighs heavily on them.  So it is with this in mind that I write and pray to offer a bit of hope today.  What I’m sharing with you today is a message I wrote many years ago and have continued…

  • Homemaking - Homeschooling - Letters to my Sisters - Letters to Sarah - Motherhood

    Motherhood: A Call to Carry On

    Carry on.  When you’re drop dead tired and there’re still several hours and as many chores left to do at the end of the day: Carry on.  When you have so much to do you don’t know how you’ll do it all: Carry on.  When you have so many needs to fill and seemingly not enough resources to fill them all: Carry on.  When you’re weary and successes are few and failures are many: Carry on.  When you feel all alone and as if no one cares for what you do: Carry on.  Carry on, Mother, carry on!  Motherhood’s a…

  • Homemaking - Letters to my Sisters - Motherhood - Titus2

    What’s Pulling On Your Apron Strings?

    What’s Pulling on Your Apron Strings? That might sound like a strange title to the message I want to share with you today, but perhaps by the time you finish reading this letter, you’ll have an idea and perhaps realize some things you’ve been wanting to take care of for some time. So, what’s pulling on your apron strings?  You know… the thing or things that nag at you or that seem to be pulling at you from one direction or many.  You may be attempting to work around your home and keep having interruptions or distractions that prevent you…

  • Devotionals - Letters to my Sisters

    A Book of Remembrance

    Though I have a number of very favourite or treasured verses I continually recall, there are a few that give me great encouragement and great hope.  Some I have copied and posted in my home, some I have highlighted or underlined and some I have recorded alongside God’s work or answers to prayer, continued petitions, blessings and other heartfelt matters written  in journals. As I’ve been slowly reading through the Word this year, I’ve been sort of surprised at the number of verses I’ve underlined or highlighted.   I’ve been continually blessed and encouraged  by dated notes beside significant verses…

  • Devotionals - Letters to my Sisters - Streams - Desert

    Speech filter

    “She openeth her mouth with wisdom; and in her tongue is the law of kindness.” proverbs 31.26 As we have “spell-check” to alert us to misspelled words – or a grammar-check to alert us of grammar mistakes, this verse serves a divine speech-check — except that we never get a second chance to say the right thing first.  This verse then would be our speech-filter verse.  The word spoken is spoken – no highlight, delete, re-speak… what’s said is said.   We might tend to say the first thing that comes to our mind — and may not stop and…

  • Devotionals - Letters to my Sisters - marriage - Womanhood

    Could this be *the* year for you?

    Could This Be *The* Year For You? “If ye love Me, keep My commandments.” —John 14.15 O, sisters in the LORD—could this be *the* year for you? This is when the real change will occur… when we finally seek to know and to live the truths of God’s Word…when we lay our lives at His feet, when we give Him everything we’ve held on to: hands down… when we accept and apply the teaching of the Lord Jesus—demonstrating our love for Him by our obedience to Him…  When we finally reckon with: If you love Me you will obey Me.…

  • Devotionals - Letters to my Sisters - Womanhood

    This is life…

    At its very best. I’ve been giving a lot of thought to the value of a life, the influence of a life, the consequence of a life, the purpose of a life, and the final testimony of a life.  As I have been studying for a Titus2 meeting I’ve been mulling over this month’s topic (from 2 Peter and the list of character qualities) and this month’s topic is charity.  We know from 1 Corinthians 13 that without this — without charity, we are nothing. So one of the questions that continues to be before me is this:  what is…

  • Letters to my Sisters - Potpourri

    a brief update

    I’m happy to share that the list service that helped me with The Welcome Home messages in the past will also be helping me with the new: Letters To My Sisters email letter subscriptions. This, from our website… More Information here. Letters To My Sisters will be much like The Welcome Home messages I used to send to subscribers. And as for our friend’s wedding… well, it was so beautiful… more on that later! This morning found us sort of dragging and slow. After the mountain of table linens and towels is conquered, I’ll post a note and some pictures.…

  • Letters to my Sisters - Potpourri

    upcoming subscriber letters

    Dear Sisters Are you feeling alone and in need of inspiration for the task the LORD has given you as a wife, mother and handmaiden of the LORD? Are you in a place that seems difficult, without mentors or encouragement for the narrow path ahead? Perhaps you are what might be called a “first generation Christian” and perhaps you’ve had few role models or godly examples of just how to be a loving mother, how to live and dress modestly, how to care for and love your children or what it is to be a keeper at home. You simply…