More Slices of Life Motherhood Political stuff

Hard to sleep… I’m a mother.

Coyotes are whining and howling in the field.  They sound horrible and shrill — like someone is trying to kill them (sometimes I wish someone would).  Sounds seem magnified tonight… the dishwasher, the washing machine, the dryer, the icemaker and the water refilling it.  O, and the coyotes.  Suddenly, they’ve become quiet.  Maybe my neighbour […]...
Devotionals Family Good Books DVD's marriage

Fireproof – the movie – Please *go* see it!

I very rarely make a bold movie recommendation and I don’t think I’ve ever suggested that there’s a movie *every* married couple must see.  Until now.  Now, I’m not caught up in the afterglow of a tremendous movie or in a bunch of emotional hype that seems to be the order of the day when […]...
NewsDuJour Political stuff Society

the obamessiah ch ch ch chant change

The sad thing is… all the emotional, sensual, persuasive and innocent hope seems to me to be just a figment of imagination. And yet, the power of suggestion alone is astonishing. Consider the change change could do to change these days....
NewsDuJour Political stuff Society

The USS Titanic – USS Usury

I browse the news(and marvel!!)  and think of the many times the US has been likened to the Titanic… the ineffable, unsinkable US — the Titanic that was described as the ship that even “God himself could not sink…”  Well… I wonder, had he been alive, what would that man have said on April 15, […]...
Family my fiftieth year my story

life’s monuments

I woke up this morning with the sun beginning to paint the sky and I thought back to yesterday morning… My first thought was: I did it!  I did something I had been wanting to do – something I had planned to do ten years ago – but ten years ago I had a new […]...
Family NewsDuJour

money – money – money – money

Everywhere – it’s everywhere. Talk, talk, talk… the economy, jobs, bailouts, recession, buyouts, loans, failures, credit, money, money, money.  My husband’s in the swimmingpool business. In the Pacific Northwest.  We know about the downturn.  Got the memo this past summer – it wasn’t really a banner year.  But you know… this country’s been in a […]...
Health / PCOS Homemaking

A Newsletter reprint

[Reprint of Doc Shillington’s Newsletter – ] Organic  Solutions, Inc. Volume 8   –   Issue 1 The   Future  We live in interesting times.  The failure of World leaders to bring about World Peace has never been more evident than it is today.  The problems facing man look as if they are coming to a head […]...
The Church Today

I saw a billboard

for a church in Seattle. It said: IT’S ALL ABOUT JESUS. in huge letters. All I could see was: IT’S ALL ABOUT JesUS...
Family my fiftieth year Parenting

No Greater Joy

I suppose I’m still in my travels down the melancholy memory lane.  I don’t know if the Autumn season has brought all this on or not — I don’t know if the realization of my own life-season of autumn has brought all this on. Whatever the case, I’m still strolling among falling leaves. To God […]...
Family Heard at our house today

Just another day in paradise

Joey is the only one of our children who regularly carries the roosters around and always has a good time with them.  He's the one that has the responsibility of looking after the chickens each day and he really takes good care of them.  Andrew had a different and exciting experience with them today....