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![]() Whatever I share, I share with you because The LORD has been very merciful to me and He is trustworthy and with the encouragement, provision, blessing and care of my husband: it’s “my” work, but together, we bring you this site. It is with thanks and praise to the LORD Jesus… He is my Rock and my Redeemer, He is my Strength, my Source and my Shield. He’s brought me through many trials, has carried me through dark days and hopeless seasons—He’s given me light and He’s given me hope. That’s the reason this whole website exists… to share help and hope for women and families… and it’s my prayer to inspire and encourage you to be the woman God’s designed *you* to be.
The advice given is peer advice and there is no intent to be the “final authority” on any matter shared. Trust the LORD, talk with your husband about anything you read here. I have no intention to be the “last word” — I do not think I know everything and pray to not come across that way. God bless you in your home. The plate’s have been dished up here; please eat what you want and leave the rest. May the LORD fill you.