birth control Motherhood

Psalm 128.3

I’ve received emails with the following article a few times since yesterday afternoon… and each time I receive it I’m once again encouraged and reminded of the great blessing of motherhood and childbearing specifically. I’m encouraged bcz the ones who have sent it are mothers who not only love their children but also love being […]...

Remember a few months ago…

I wrote about all the swooning and fainting at Obama speeches and you know, I thought the whole deal was a perfect set up for the campaign or, rather, the candidate, to appear ‘messiah-like’ in his presentation and presence. He notices the fainting ones… he seemed to care… he was the only one offering help… […]...
Devotionals Family Timothy - Ghana

The Epitome of Gratefulness

and I suppose if I could choose any photo… it would be this: or this. If ye continue in my word, then are ye my disciples indeed; And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free… If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed.” –John 8.31b,32,36 […]...
Devotionals Family Timothy - Ghana

God gives more grace

I was thinking this morning that God’s grace is sufficient for the day… and then considered: how much grace does God have? How much mercy? The Word says He is plenteous in mercy and that He gives liberally. Can I exhaust the grace of God? Can I ask Him too often for mercy – for […]...
Timothy - Ghana

The Universal Language: Soccer

The contents of Timothy’s bags was pretty minimal when he left for Ghana six months ago. There were few necessities and few luxuries and I suppose that were he to have had to dump his possessions or to make a choice what to take and what to leave behind, the soccer balls would not have […]...
Potpourri Timothy - Ghana


This pic’s from Timothy in Ghana. There’s a story here. Hmmmmm. Timothy says that’s the Methodist church in the back ground. A very typical sight in the extremely poverty stricken area.  Makes me think:  what are we saying here in the States with our exceeding wealth and mega-buildings and mega programs and mega institutions?...

The sphere of influence…

I often say, your sphere of influence is greater than your sphere of acquaintance.   And now, my new favourite phrase is: you can number the seeds in an apple, but you cannot number the apples in a seed.  For, who can know the influence of a life?  Who can measure the value of a life […]...