• Slices of Life - Society

    You can’t afford to not pay attention.

    I know. The last entry I wrote was 7 months ago. Hounded by voices that tell me I’ve lost mine, by regrets that prevent me moving forward, and various time/emotional demands that drain creativity, I come to my blog and draw a blank — or am shot with one. But… again, here I am. I love to write. I love this platform. I love the connections it’s given me through the years. And I love that the Lord has given me a whole bunch more time and has absolutely dumped His great mercy and grace over me every day of…

  • Society

    The Increeping Vulgarity

    This post is sort of a signs of the times observation and a mulling over the consequences of one of the dramatic changes our society is undergoing. The increeping vulgarity of society hasn’t happened all at once — it’s happened slowly, incrementally, over time.  Increeping vulgarity, along with its visible companions, lewd behaviour and crude speech have slowly encroached on society, and are slowly being normalized in our culture.  Vulgarity has begun to be so acceptable, so commonplace — even expected on many levels.   Vulgarity thrives on a one way street ardently demanding its voice as an entitlement. On any…

  • Family - Slices of Life - Society

    the subtle shift

    January 6, 2006 It’s so subtle and is happening so slowly and smoothly that it’s hardly noticeable to some people—the faint shift from day to day to the acceptance of immorality.  Think for a moment about the church growth “movement” of the last decade or two.  Consider the shift from Christ centered to man centered theology and from Biblical principles to marketing strategies for growth.  Then take into account the music that fills the minds and the airwaves… no longer Christcentric but egocentric.   Consider the shift from Bible study to “focus-groups” that address “felt needs” or personal interests or individual…

  • Potpourri - Society

    What’s Hypocrisy Got To Do With Anything?

    Every day in the news: a new outrage and the unintended consequence, hypocrisy.  Outrage (and hypocrisy) on both sides for or against the cause du jour.  Facebook memes, articles, quotes — all over, we’re seeing the proliferation of outrage over the so-called discrimination against behaviour and gender identity.  For all these, Christians are viewed as hatemongers, intolerant, religious bigots.  All of these events are instructive, we need to be careful we’re not hypocritical in what we say and do. [cp_quote style=”quote_left_dark”]“And he shall speak great words against the most High, and shall wear out the saints of the most High,…

  • Society

    Porn. The Insidious, Pernicious Lie.

    We’ve got to face this:  Porn is an insidious, destructive, pernicious lie.  No one benefits from porn.  No one.  People may think they’re benefiting as they temporarily have sensual and emotional gratification, or relief from stress or loss.  Magazines and movies gave way to desktop and then laptop computers and now cellphones for everyone! Instant porn in a pocket.  Porn in pockets everywhere.  People may think the activity is harmless, private, inconsequential.  They may think they’re actually doing their spouse a favour by not *actually* being seduced by real women.  But that’s just one of the insidious lies; those are…

  • CSA - Society

    Not Safe. Women’s Restrooms.

    Women. The sign on the door. All my life, that’s been the safe room.  It’s safe to be there. Safe to pee there. Safe to change there. Safe to nurse a baby there. Safe to send a teen daughter.  Safe to wait there.  Our local department store. No more. Secure no more. Safe no more. The sacred is no more.  Women does not mean women any more.  Security has been breached, safety has been compromised, the sacred has been polluted.  The sacred is now profane. The door has been swung wide open to pedophiles and other perversions—-this is wrong. Too…

  • Abortion - Potpourri - Society

    Stand For Life

    That's what missing in the Planned Parenthood equation: Love. That life is precious, that man was made in God's image and that God in His great love and mercy created us all. All of us. May we stand for life and do so in Love.

  • Society

    Fifty Five Million Reasons

    And I wonder how many more. Fifty five million reasons to stand against planned barrenhood. At least fifty five million babies never had the opportunity to take a drink of milk… never had the opportunity to be cradled and rocked to sleep… never had the opportunity feel the sun on their face… never had the opportunity to smell a rose… never had the opportunity to blow bubbles, dandelions or birthday candles… never had the opportunity to open a present, open a door, open a book, open a window… never had the opportunity to breathe fresh air, to snuggle in a…

  • More Slices of Life - Potpourri - Society

    Dark Days

    In the wake of the breaking news stories in the last couple of days, it’s hard to fathom the depths of evil consuming our nation. The enormity of this may well be underestimated, and the trail of money on a spiraling street paved with innocent blood may well be staggeringly more than can possibly be imagined. It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God. Hebrews 10.31 Surely judgement has come on America when a nation will slaughter its own babies for great profit under the guise of research.  When immorality is lauded and God’s…

  • NewsDuJour - Parenting - Society

    Fifty shades of moral depravity

    I haven’t read the book.  I won’t watch the movie. I saw the trailer for the movie Fifty Shades of Grey Evil in the theater.  Prior to another film I saw in the theater last fall, I heard the trailer as it played and teased the audience with despicable allure.  One needn’t have grown up with a sex-addict psychopath to know when someone/something is evil.  Nor, dare I say, does one need to be “spiritual” to recognize the evil of immorality — sexual abuse or abusive behaviour.  The law of God is written in our hearts. We know from the…