Political stuff Society

“You know, you know…”

The Supreme Court.  Brightest minds. Greatest thinkers.  Makers interpreters of law. I know. I know.  It’s not that big a deal.  It’s only one seat. of. nine. — for. life....
Political stuff Society

Another chapter in The Emperor’s New Clothes

  And so it goes. President Barack Obama didn’t shy away from the “snub” by Arizona State University officials who said he hadn’t accomplished enough yet to earn an honorary degree. In a commencement speech Wednesday to a stadium full of young graduates, he said the officials were right. “I come here not to dispute […]...
Motherhood my story

Mother’s Happy Day…

our daughters… and me I’m in awe…with more than I could ever have asked or imagined. my mother, mother-in-love and me...
Motherhood my story

Thank you… Mother

  Happy Mother’s Day Thank you, Mama, for the gift of my life, for the years of sacrifice and love you have given on my behalf. Thank you for you.  I celebrate *you* today, Mother…  I thank the Lord for the blessing you are and have been to me.  I pray He will bless you […]...

A Mother Worthy of Remembrance (a message from 2001)

A Mother Worthy of Remembrance by pamela spurling No matter who you are, where you live, what your age… the very mention of the word “mother” likely conjures up many emotions. Even when we mothers look at ourselves in the mirror, we undoubtedly have mixed emotions as to who we are, what we do, what […]...
Devotionals The Church Today

A famine in the land…

“Living in Union with Christ…”  This is the title of a series of messages by a Romanian born pastor, Josef Tson. He makes so many, many vital comments — it’s difficult to determine which to relate to you — it’s difficult to choose which are the gems of the gems.  I’d like to share more […]...