Love is not Irritable. This chapter begins with a verse from Proverbs 16.32 And then continues, “Love is hard to offend and quick to forgive.” To be irritable means ‘to be near the point of a knife.’ Not far from being poked. People who are irritable are locked, loaded, and ready to overreact.” I know I get irritable when there’s a deadline and I’ve not adequately prepared for it… when I don’t feel well and don’t have a quick solution… when I don’t have a meal prepared on time or when I’ve not planned well enough for an event or…
Today’s “Dare” begins: Love is not rude. Once again, I find it difficult to carry out the dare of the day. I say this because I genuinely feel as though I am never rude to my husband. In fact, from the beginning of our marriage, courtesy and manners have been something we’ve continually practiced. But I am determined to go through this book and so I read the chapter and considered the definitions, thoughts and suggestions. And then I had thought on them for a number of days. Nothing irritates others as quickly as being rude. Rudeness is unnecessarily…
The Love Dare — Day 2 — Love is Kind Today’s Dare was much like (in my mind anyway) yesterday’s dare — except it was more “outward” or “tangible” instead of passive, personal or inward. Whereas yesterday’s dare was a “be careful, little mouth, what you say” sort of thing, I think today’s dare was more: be careful caring, little hands, what you do. However, that said, being kind (as with being patient) also requires great emotional and verbal restraint from time to time. Not reading ahead for tomorrow’s dare, the coupling of the first two ‘dares’ for the…
This is going to be some journey as I attempt to follow the ‘rules’ and go through each of the forty days’ suggestions. I cannot, however, resist making a few comments. I’ve skimmed through the book — but I’ve intentionally not read through the whole thing… so that I will approach each day with an open mind. I understand why the authors have chosen some of the headings or topics – as they follow 1Corinthians 13 in presenting some of the days challenges or “love dares.” I also want to point out a thought expressed in the introduction: “If you…
I’d like to share another sort of journey with you. Wes bought me The Love Dare book. And so, I thought it would be sort of neat to share observations along the way as I go on the journey through the Love Dare book. I’ve read the preface, introduction and Day 1. Tomorrow I’ll write about “Day 1 – Love is Patient” and I will entitle each blog entry with the day and the heading. I know I won’t be able to communicate all that happens on this journey and will likely not share specifics – but I’d like…