Category: birth control
birth control
dear to me blogs
The Church Today
Desiring God 2.18.13 – reprint
The Day Luther Died By Jonathan Parnell | Feb 18, 2013 12:00 am In Germany 467 years ago, in a small, backwater town called Eisleben, the shaking hand of a dying man scribbled this simple line: We are beggars. This is true. Martin Luther died on February 18, 1546. These last words of weakness echoed […]...
birth control
Slices of Life
Abandoning Convictions
Time was when people could hold to some basic principles or live by personal convictions — decisions that may or may not be or may not’ve been popular — and yet they could sort of remain unspoken or undeclared. Publicly, anyway. Time was when people could hold to convictions and only a small circle of […]...
birth control
“It’s life… it’s alive.”
“I saw the baby… and it was over… what am I doing? … what am I doing here? … there was life in here and now, there’s not… they don’t want people to see what’s really happening in a woman’s womb… this is it, I’m leaving… Planned Parenthood put a restraining order on me now […]...
birth control
Two Killers – Two Tragedies.
A career is ended. During that infamous career, tens of thousands of innocent people were killed. A tragedy to be sure. I think of this all day today; what a shame — what a tragic end. A man responsible for the deaths of tens of thousands of innocent children. I consider these things all day. […]...
birth control
Abortion’s ugly lie
Every now and then it happens. I wonder how many of times this has to happen before this civilized society sees abortion as the heinous atrocity it is. When will pro-aborts see the truth that abortion is the destruction and death of precious baby – a human life. Abortion destroys a baby. Sycloria Williams knows […]...
birth control
Psalm 128.3
I’ve received emails with the following article a few times since yesterday afternoon… and each time I receive it I’m once again encouraged and reminded of the great blessing of motherhood and childbearing specifically. I’m encouraged bcz the ones who have sent it are mothers who not only love their children but also love being […]...
birth control
I thought I’d just start this post off with a bang: vasectomies. Writing the rest of it will be easier now, comparatively speaking. Well, with the exception of replies to comments – but that’s probaby the good thing about not receiving lots of daily comments here. I don’t know of an elective surgery that is […]...
birth control
The Church Today
More on Mars Hill
I thought it appropriate to clarify something in regard to my previous entry: Birthcontrol at Mars Hill. First, I’d be remiss if I didn’t quickly say that I think Mark Driscoll is a good teacher and sound in doctrine. I think he handles societal issues well — though differently than I might. But so what. […]...
birth control
The Church Today
Birthcontrol at Mars Hill
In our area lots of folks are drawn to the Mars Hill church in Seattle and ‘tens of thousands’ more who listen on line. I began to watch this lengthy video – it is a sermon, after all, and listened to his take on birth control and what the Bible says about marriage, procreation and […]...