

bcz not everyone is going to bed in comfort tonight. Not everyone has a safe place to call home. Not everyone has had a meal today. Not everyone has a pair of shoes, a suit of clothes, a source of shelter and comfort. Not everyone has a drink of water. Not everyone will shut off the lights in the dry, secure and comfortable home… where they pull up the blankets, fluff up the pillow and lie down to rest in peace with a full stomach and and soft music to lull them to sleep.

Pray for the widows, of the three martyred in Turkey, pray for the Christians there — and surely, pray for the persecutors of Christians… they need Jesus.

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VOM News and Prayer Update: May 1, 2007

“There are differences of ministries, but the same Lord. And there are diversities of activities, but it is the same God who works all in all. But the manifestation of the Spirit is given to each one for the profit of all.”(I Corinthians 12:5-7)

Christians Fear New Muslim President Will Erode Religious Liberty – Compass Direct News
Christians worry persecution in mostly Islamic northern Nigeria will increase following the election of Musa Yar’ Adua, a Muslim, as president. Church leaders are concerned Yar’ Adua will aggravate existing problems for Christians in the region. “The election of Yar’ Adua will aggravate the problems of Christians in northern Nigeria. Our fear is that under a Muslim president, religious liberty will be eroded,” Rev. Polit told Compass. “As governor of Katsina state in northern Nigeria, Yar’Aduna imposed Shariah (Islamic) law and presided over a system of deliberate denial of land for building churches, as well as government agencies that arbitrarily closed some churches,” Compass reported. Pray God encourages Christians to continue standing for him in the midst of persecution and uncertainty. Psalm 32:7, Psalms 91:14

Chinese and American Christian Leaders in Xinjiang – China Aid Association
On April 19, 2007, more than 30 house-church leaders and four American Christians were arrested in Xinjiang province. China Aid Association (CAA) reports the four Americans are still in an undisclosed hotel for questioning and the PSB confiscated their luggage. Eight Chinese pastors received criminal detention papers for 30 days detention and were accused of being “suspects involved in evil cult activities.” Eye witnesses told CAA that at least two of the arrested were seen with bleeding noses and bruises on their faces because of torture during interrogations. Pray for the pastors in prison and for their families. Ask God to protect them as they face pending charges. II Timothy 4: 16-18

UPDATE – Turkish church requests prayer after three Christians martyred in Malatya – VOM Sources
The Protestant Church in Smyrna is requesting Christians to pray for the families of the three believers killed on April 18, 2007, in Malatya, Turkey. According to a press release, the church urged Christians to pray that someday the perpetrators of the gruesome murders would receive Christ and for God to use the testimonies of the martyred brothers to draw others in the knowledge of Him. II Corinthians 1:3-7

Christians Arrested and Beaten – VOM Sources

  • ORISSA – On April 17, four pastors were arrested by local police in the Cuttack district after Hindu extremists saw them distributing Christian literature and accused them of forcibly converting Hindus to Christianity. The pastors were released on bail the following day.
  • TAMIL NADU – On April 22, two pastors were beaten and jailed after more than 20 members of a Hindu extremist group disrupted a prayer meeting. The extremists surrounded the house where the Christians were meeting and verbally abused the pastors. When the police arrived the pastors were ordered to accompany them to the police station. On the way, the extremists attacked again, beating the pastors and four believers who accompanied them. The extremists accused the pastors of forced conversions and are being held in the central prison. Pray for God to speedily heal those who were injured and that Christians in India will trust Him in the midst of great persecution.

Psalm 103:1-3, Psalm 5: 11-12

Pray… Jesus *is* the only answer.

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