More Slices of Life

A mom’s gotta be pretty sharp…

to stay ahead of boys. And even a semi conscious state of prayer blesses a mom and gives practical wisdom. I have to stop and thank the LORD often for His intercession on my behalf. I suppose I’d lose my mind, otherwise—that, or I’d sure lose a lot of ground each day. It was out […]...

new crusaders

Okay… I must say that I was outraged discouraged by that mock drill in the Burlington, NJ high school the other day. And, I admit, I was particularly offended by the inferences that Christians are gun-toting rebels who are propelled to hysteria if they can’t (or as in this case, their children can’t) pray in […]...

All hail.

He is Risen, as He said. Just as He said He would do, He did. And because He did what He said He would do, He will do what He said He will do. We have His Word on that and not only that, He died and rose again that it would be so. He […]...
More Slices of Life

I forgot I didn’t ever want to ever…

…have a garage sale again.  You know how I often say: write stuff down, for you will surely forget it?  Well, this day reminds me to write stuff down, lest I forget and fall into temptation.  So, the temptation was before me: should we have a garage sale or not?  So… I was thinking this […]...

sweet sleep

I woke up this morning already in thought and already writing a message and as often happens, I completely lost the thought – though at the time it was complete and articulate (or so it seemed to me!).  Isn’t it interesting how that goes or how “life lessons” are?  We think, at the time of […]...

Hey… watch out for those Christians…

And those fundamentalist wackos who actually read the Bible and History books that haven’t been revised or combed for anything offensive to any particular ethnic group… and who don’t “believe in” the so-called separation of Church and State. This sort of thing goes on in media from time to time and I usually ‘turn the […]...

Amazing Rumours

You probably experience this from time to time… you either read about or are told about some amazing thing, event or piece of news (read: rumour or gossip).  At first, you either can’t believe it  or you instantly believe it and then feel like kicking yourself later over your gullibility or lack of honour and […]...
More Slices of Life

Another boy deal…

So, we came home from the wedding.  Whew… were we ever tired—long day of hurry-scurry and then it was over, the reception was all set up, served and cleaned up and we looked forward to a rest.  We’d had a whirlwind weekend with Timothy stopping in to spend the night and to leave while we […]...
More Slices of Life

mowing and pruning and boys…

It was such a strange day today. Strange bcz it was peculiarly quiet and strange bcz it was so cold… yet, bcz it was sunny out, the children were delighted to play all day—even the work was play for them today. Yet another boy has mastered the mowing and was so thrilled to be making […]...
mothering from the sidelines Potpourri

another sideline note

I read this comic strip this morning and while a few of the children here laughed, I didn’t laugh.   we spend years attempting to train up our children, they cry when we leave and rejoice when we return.  They cling to our skirts and hang out at the bathroom door waiting for us to get […]...