
In Christ I am…

Family Motherhood mothering from the sidelines Timothy - Ghana

another birthday…

  Another birthday for one of our children.  Another day to reflect on the many blessings, provisions and calling of the Lord on this son’s life — the golden child, the brothers and sisters call him.   We all have a smile when someone says this or refers to him in this manner.  They all know […]...
Family Homemaking

Smash Books & Upcycling

Reusing became renewing became recycling became repurposing became upcycling.  Sort of. Actually, each of these are simply names for doing something new or different with something old or used or originally designed for another use.   Each are probably unique in application, though.  I smugly threw them all together but I know there’s a difference between […]...
Home Sweet Home Homeschooling Society

IndoctriNation – the movie

Below is the content of an email letter I just received… Next weekend (March 16-18) is the nationwide premiere of IndoctriNation through National Movie Night.  Please consider hosting a movie night for this special weekend promotion to share IndoctriNation, which we are honored to have been chosen as the Best Documentary at the 2012 San […]...
Potpourri Quilts

The Quilter’s Apprentice

Quilts.  Old quilts meticulously stitched by great grandmothers… store bought, machine pieced quilts and ones made by different friends.  I love to look at them — studying the patterns and pieces, but I didn’t know I’d come to love them in the way I have.  I’ve always loved the kinship of customers and clerks in […]...
Potpourri Quilts

Quilt Designs

Country Cupboard Quilt Design Blocks: The Churn Dash quilt block is a traditional design that hearkens back to days on the farm and the pleasure of some of the old domestic chores. The Windblown Puzzle quilt block has a versatile kinetic design like a colorful, spinning pinwheel. The Grandma’s Bowls quilt block will remind you […]...