For a few months we had been inching toward the sale of our home. One year ago today was the first of three days of showings. We’d been blindly taking steps forward, guided by the unseen Hand. Now over twenty five years ago we were looking for a home that would be just right for our growing family. “Looking” is far too weak. We were searching, yearning, praying for such a home. We searched and searched—drove around day after day looking for that forever home. It had been suggested that I make a list of things I hoped the home…
After writing last week how I dealt with starting out unprepared, my friend wrote about lists I used to have on my walls. So I thought I’d continue on today sharing about lists and how to use them — remembering: lists are tools, they’re simply tools. Again, I wasn’t born organized — I’m not a naturally organized girl, but life as a mother to many children gave me much practice and many opportunities to test the results of being disorganized and being organized. And, believe me, organized was better. It’s still better — and it is for so many reasons…
Have you ever imagined your life as something completely different than it is today? I don’t mean doing different things or changing jobs or whatever — I mean, living in a home that is a completely different type of home than you’ve been accustomed to living in all your life. Tiny houses. I’d never thought about living in a tiny house — not me personally, anyway. I’ve thought about what it might be like for someone to live in a tiny house — I mean, I do love browsing Pinterest, you know. But lots of what I see, and pin,…
♫ Never_Walk_Alone We stepped inside the front doorway of our new house nineteen years ago. From that moment, this nearly one hundred year old farmhouse felt like home to me. In my notebook that I carried most everywhere I went was a page of notes — prayer requests, actually. And among those requests were *specific details — astonishingly, right before my eyes, most everything in and about this home that day. I realized that the Lord had, in His merciful kindness allowed me to write that list, pray over it and wait on Him. It was also in His merciful…
I’ve been browsing the seed catalogs, the websites and books for “what to do this month” in (or about) the garden. I must admit: I’m anxious. Very anxious for Spring to come. But then, you probably already knew that. You know, though, I’m sure not as weary for Springtime as I have been in other years. Maybe so much has been going on that I’ve not noticed that there has been enough rain to completely fill the swimming pool. Or, maybe it’s been so busy around here that I haven’t stopped to notice (and lament) that there have only been…
You’ve likely heard the phrase: “Do what you love, love what you do.” Well… I got to thinking about that phrase sometime back and thought: one can’t always do that. And then I thought, maybe I feel like I can’t always do what I love [to do], but I can learn to love what I do (and change my whole outlook in the process). And so there was a turning point in my journey. One of many turning points. :o) Lemme give you an example. Just this morning, I came into the kitchen planning to unload/reload my dishwasher (and to…
Each year, about this time, I refer to a “Christmas” page I created on our website and though it’s probably been up (and rarely updated) for the last ten or twelve years, it remains a great resource for me — and I hope it will be for you, too. Regardless how you spend the holidays or Christmastime, there are, no doubt, special things you like to incorporate into your days and evenings with your family. These special things might be traditions or celebrations, family recipes or gifts you prepare and send. Whatever the case, as always, we mothers need to…
A little more traveling around… this time, I want to share with you a fun idea: Cake Pops! You’ve no doubt seen these in shoppes and Starbucks… but you don’t need to pay the high price to try one of these or to share them with your family. You can make them at home — and, just the way your family would like them! Here you go: This woman is soooo fun to listen to — I watched a few more of her videos. Then, following the link to her site, I sure think she’s got a great site going…
Below is the content of an email letter I just received… Next weekend (March 16-18) is the nationwide premiere of IndoctriNation through National Movie Night. Please consider hosting a movie night for this special weekend promotion to share IndoctriNation, which we are honored to have been chosen as the Best Documentary at the 2012 San Antonio Independent Christian Film Festival last month. National Movie Night is a project of Freedom Film Distributors, and is designed to harness grassroots energy to promote independently produced films like IndoctriNation in local communities around the country and the world. It’s simple! Hosts are provided…
Through the years we’ve celebrated “Christmastime” many different ways — some years a little, some years more. A family tradition here and a family tradition there, but no set (read: unchangeable) tradition. I think this comes from a mixed reaction to cultural influence/cultural traditions. It also comes from an ongoing inner debate: should believers celebrate Christmas? We’d immediately say: Yes, we should celebrate the birth of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, but that’s not really the question when people ask: should Christians celebrate “Christmas.” They’re asking: should Christians celebrate the twisted mix of truth and tradition, pagan and sacred. …