• Gardening - Slices of Life

    Autumn Days

    The lazy, hazy days of summer are giving way to the busy, hurry, scurry days of autumn as the new “school year” begins and demanding schedules and activities fill the calendar.  You know the first thing that comes to mind as I consider these upcoming autumn days? Where’d summer go? It came and went so fast.  Sort of like motherhood (but that’s another topic for another day). Did you complete the plans and projects you had for summertime?  Me neither.  But there’s still time to get a few things done before the time comes to put away all the outdoor…

  • Devotionals - Gardening - Herbal Remedies

    The Provision of the Lord

    Marveling the sweetness of God and His provisions… our yard is filled with things that seem to be here for ‘whateverailsya’!!  Sweet that He would provide for me very specific herbs/remedies in abundance.       ♫ Great is Thy faithfulness, O God my Father, There is no shadow of turning with Thee; Thou changest not, Thy compassions, they fail not As Thou hast been Thou forever wilt be. Great is Thy faithfulness! Great is Thy faithfulness!  Morning by morning new mercies I see; All I have needed Thy hand hath provided— Great is Thy faithfulness, Lord, unto me!Summer and winter,…

  • Devotionals - Faith - Family - Gardening - Homemaking - Potpourri

    Whose Plans?

    It’s sure a beautiful Springtime day here in the Snohomish Valley — it’s the kind of day that puts thoughts of rains and flooding to a very distant memory — though such a great possibility  only a few short months ago.  It’s funny how quickly a current reality can totally erase or totally eclipse another, isn’t it? As I walked around outside for the first time in a week, I stopped at each of the different garden beds and then on out to the vegetable garden where my initial delight was slightly dimmed by the vision of all the weeds……

  • Gardening - Home Sweet Home - Homemaking

    Springtime is coming…

    I’ve been browsing the seed catalogs, the websites and books for “what to do this month” in (or about) the garden.  I must admit: I’m anxious.  Very anxious for Spring to come.  But then, you probably already knew that.   You know, though, I’m sure not as weary for Springtime as I have been in other years.  Maybe so much has been going on that I’ve not noticed that there has been enough rain to completely fill the swimming pool.  Or, maybe it’s been so busy around here that I haven’t stopped to notice (and lament) that there have only been…

  • Faith - Gardening - Homemaking

    a gardener’s journal

    May I suggest…. A gardener’s journal… or a summer log… a season’s log… I’m making one of these so that I can keep a running log of what’s going on in the garden — and what’s *supposed* to be going on ~wink~ in the garden. As an example… my entries are including what’s being picked now, what I need to do as far as clean-up, storage, etc., etc.  I’m dividing a simple notebook into sections — a section for an overview of our yard/garden (what’s planted where) and a basic timeline for maintenance.  In this way, I can see when…

  • Family - Gardening - Homemaking

    Autumn’s in the air…

    Each morning I walk around our yard and garden to pray, to sing and to see the changes, the growth and produce each day brings.  And then each evening seems to be the time I walk around our yard and garden in much the same manner… only the mood and thoughts are different — it seems to have become a time to reflect on the changes of the day and make plans for the next.   Lately, the changes of the days almost feel like an assault to my senses as I realize that Autumn’s in the air… I can smell…

  • Devotionals - Family - Gardening


    As the fruit and nuts and leaves fall from the trees around our yard, I can’t help but notice the poignant reminder that our lives, too, have seasons — and they change.  As I reflect on this, I am reminded that the most fruitful season may not appear to be the currant one – even though it may appear so with the fruit that is dropping into the baskets at this time. I’m looking ahead to the winter when the trees have no leaves or blossoms or blooms and I’m praying this time will be the most fruitful of all.…

  • Gardening - Homemaking - In the Kitchen - Planner - Preparedness Stuff

    Write It All Down Before You Forget

    If you spend time with me… you know it won’t be very long before you notice me writing something down.  I write lots of notes — I even write notes about notes. Well, tonight in this “write it all down before you forget” blog entry, I actually want to encourage you to add more to your kitchen counter journal  or your kitchen log.  If you don’t have one, may I encourage you do get a notebook — preferably an inexpensive, but thick, “half sheet size” spiral notebook that you can keep in your kitchen to record your daily chores and…

  • Devotionals - Gardening - my story

    Springtime… seasons

    The lacy green leaves are slowly appearing and daffodils are beginning to bloom around the old willow tree.  Isn’t it an awesome wonder: Every year, every passing season, has its marvelous reminders of the lavish mercy and everlasting kindness of the Lord.  May I never take this for granted nor think it not majestic. Passing through many seasons in thirty-three years of marriage, I so hope I never again take for granted my husband’s care and thoughtful gestures.   You know, it’s something we all do — take for granted things that are or have been long present with us. …

  • Family - Gardening - In the Kitchen - Recipes

    Autumn’s ushering in Winter

    It’s sure chilly-chilly here tonight!!  The forecast even includes snow!  Suddenly it seems to be just fine to give up wishing for warmer days and working in the garden for the year — for now, baking season is here!   And around our home it’s time for “special requests.”  By this, I mean that it’s time for everyone to submit this year’s favourites for me to bake — or, better said, this year’s update to the list of things “we have to have ________” for Thanksgiving and Christmas! Confession:  I simply cannot keep track of who likes what and who doesn’t…