• Family - More Slices of Life

    Thousands of Pictures to Sort

    I’m in the midst of an overwhelming project: I have thousands of pictures to sort. Earlier today I was standing next to a table lined with boxes into which I’m distributing the thousands of pictures.  It never seemed like we took a lot of pictures. At the time. What I remember of the early days was buying film and flash bulbs, taking pictures during special events and occasional pictures of our children’s milestones or accomplishments. And those quick get the camera adorable poses.  We’d get to the end of a roll of film and put the roll (along with the other…

  • Devotionals - More Slices of Life

    Daily Devotionals

    Daily Devotionals: potentially instructive, potentially destructive. Isn’t it interesting what the Lord uses in our lives to speak to us? He speaks through His Word, He ministers to us through teaching, poetry, testimonies, music, His creation; He works in us through joys and sorrows, hardships, grief, loss, trials, and countless other ways.  He blesses us with all of these things — though we often miss seeing His signature it at the time. He blesses us with all these things — if we’ll receive them with that recognition. Do you have or read a daily devotional?  I’ve had mixed opinions about…

  • Potpourri

    Nothing new never means nothing’s new

    If you’ve been a reader or subscriber to this site for any length of time, you’ll very quickly see that nothing new never means nothing’s new. But, I wanted to pop in and say, everything’s okay — nothing’s new and everything’s new and I hope to begin writing again soon.  I love to write this blog. I love to share what God’s doing, showing me, working in me and in us all. I love to connect with sisters around the world and love to affirm the goodness and glory of the Lord. Had it not been for the Lord, I’d…