• Political stuff - Society

    Dr. Obama.

    [edited May 9, 09] The University of Notre Dame is set to crown Barack Obama with an honorary degree — in addition to the invitation to deliver the 2009 commencement address.  So, don’t you wonder how this anti pro-life president will handle the commentary generated from accepting the invitation to address the graduating class of Notre Dame?   You know, what I find so disturbing is that he has the temerity to accept an honourary Doctor of Laws degree — from. a. Catholic. University — no, on second thought, it’s disturbing that the University would confer it on him. This is…

  • Society

    “Anywhere, anytime.”

    Someone could be listening in on your cell phone conversations.  Or your personal conversations — even if you’re not using your cell phone.  Anywhere, anytime… someone can be tracking you… receiving text messages you receive on your cell phone. Anywhere, anytime.  It’s amazing where technology has brought us.  Go here for more info; or watch a YouTube video report.

  • Potpourri - Society - The Church Today

    Random thoughts on intolerance

    I’m doing housekeeping today… many things needed sorting and filing, washing and ironing.  Teatime brought to mind some thoughts from the past weekend. It’s getting fiercer and fiercer, the slick and sick double standard of those who scream to be tolerated —  not just tolerated, but venerated — endorsed — lauded.   I’m not a proponent of beauty pageants per se, but it’s sure detestable that a ‘qualified contestant’ is being dragged through the mud for articulating her answer to a question regarding her thoughts on marriage — the answer was contrary to one or more of the “judges'” personal beliefs…

  • Potpourri - TheLoveDareJournal

    The Love Dare Journal — Day 6

    Love is not Irritable. This chapter begins with a verse from Proverbs 16.32 And then continues, “Love is hard to offend and quick to forgive.” To be irritable means ‘to be near the point of a knife.’ Not far from being poked.  People who are irritable are locked, loaded, and ready to overreact.” I know I get irritable when there’s a deadline and I’ve not adequately prepared for it… when I don’t feel well and don’t have a quick solution… when I don’t have a meal prepared on time or when I’ve not planned well enough for an event or…

  • HAOHT - Motherhood

    Heard at our house today:

    Today was an outside most all day long.  The first mowing of the year, the first trimming of the year (besides the pruning of the fruit trees and roses done last month), and first real sunny-warm-play in the water sort of day.    Mama, I’m so glad you had more children.  I’m so happy I can play with my brothers and sisters — I would be so sad if you didn’t have any more children and I was all alone.  [Hug, hug, hug…] I’m so happy…” I smiled and said, “me, too.” And I’ve been smiling about that over and…

  • Potpourri - TheLoveDareJournal

    The Love Dare Journal — Day 5

    Today’s “Dare” begins:  Love is not rude. Once again, I find it difficult to carry out the dare of the day.  I say this because I genuinely feel as though I am never rude to my husband.   In fact, from the beginning of our marriage, courtesy and manners have been something we’ve continually practiced.  But I am determined to go through this book and so I read the chapter and considered the definitions, thoughts and suggestions.  And then I had thought on them for a number of days. Nothing irritates others as quickly as being rude.  Rudeness is unnecessarily…

  • Society - The Church Today

    On Colbert…

    This isn’t a blanket endorsement of Stephen Colbert or The Colbert Nation… but I’m just posting this so that you’ll see the lengths to which some people are going to deceive others or to discredit the Bible.  I first saw this at an apologetics conference this weekend during a talk by Dr. Doug Geivett.  He was talking about evidence and why it matters — evidence for Christian theology.  He made an interesting comment regarding evidence:   Evidence has never mattered more than it does today.            Evidence has never mattered less than it does today. Do…

  • my story - Society

    Are you a big surprise?

    Have you let someone mock you and steal your dream? Our family crowed [sorry, that’s a typo.  Our family didn’t crow around the computer — we crowded; c-r-o-w-d-e-d]around the computer to view a YouTube video that was suggested to us.  So we waited for the video clip to upload…. When she walked on the stage of “Britain’s Got Talent” it was obvious what the audience thought of the contestant, Susan Boyle.  Standing there, smiling and obviously pleased to be there, she was — to worldly eyes —  not stylish, attractive, seductive or of much interest — and certainly not a…

  • Potpourri

    Because of Jesus

    I’m in awe… thankful and amazed at the mercy of God. I could never do anything, be anything, think anything: to earn my way to redemption. But God! Because of the cross…  because of Jesus — Jesus alone I stand redeemed. I stand in awe, I stand redeemed. Consider Jesus… who lived among men, was crucified, suffered, died, rose again, was seen by many, ascended into heaven and ever lives to make intercession for us who believe. Jesus is coming again.  Trust in Him. Believe today… repent and follow Him. because of Jesus… we have life.   “Looking unto Jesus…