• Potpourri

    ♫ Green Shoe Studio

    In celebration of marriage, I want to share this beautiful story.  It’s a precious testimony of long love… a story of a man missing his wife, his precious wife of seventy-five years… which he says was a dream. From Green Shoe Studio:  A Letter from Fred

  • Devotionals - Faith - my story

    We’d Never Get Out of Bed; But God.

    Earlier this morning I was viewing a movie trailer (August: Osage County) and just before I closed the window, near the end of that clip, I heard the line: Thank God we can’t tell the future; we’d never get out of bed.” I’ve heard that line (or other similar lines) so many times through the years… and, sadly, I think I always heard and internalized its unspoken ending.  “Thank God we can’t tell the future; we’d never get out of bed [because it’s only going to be bad or because it’s not going to end up good].”  Strange how sayings…

  • family/friends events - Good Things & Gifts

    Anderson Family Farm

    Our friends, Rick and Kimberlee Anderson’s family business, Anderson Family Farm, is one of the nominees in the Audience Choice Award for one of  Martha Stewart’s features: American Made.   Would you consider taking a moment to vote for this family business as it will help them gain business exposure.  You may also want to help them in a “modern day barn raising” as they seek to move forward in expanding their family enterprise.   Thank you so much for your consideration.

  • Devotionals - Faith

    The Engrafted Word

    Many years ago, I had the great privilege of meeting, and then getting to know, the dear Florence Turnidge.  That meeting and subsequent friendship would become for me a living example and enduring encouragement.  Florence had such  a love for the Word of God and a zeal for the truth.  My only regret was not meeting her sooner — well, that, and not keeping the habit of regularly memorizing scripture.  To this day I find, stashed throughout our home, evidences of her ministry:  Bible memory cards — key verses printed on cards for memorization. After I began memorizing Scriptures, I…