• Journal - my story - Potpourri

    What if You knew You were Dying?

     Have you ever asked yourself what you’d do if you knew you were dying?  Or, how would you live differently if you knew this year was your last year to live? I was talking with my friend on the phone this morning and as I was recounting different ongoing family situations, I related that even though we had a real “wake-up call” last summer, we haven’t changed things we do or don’t do all that much.  As I hung up the phone, it occurred to me that I must not take, or respond to, wake up calls all that seriously.  …

  • Devotionals - Faith - Streams - Desert - Wayward's

    Each Day is Like Heaven

    Over the years, standing at the sink many times each day, I’ve seen the most remarkable sights… all the changes each season brings.   Through the years, I’ve become aware of what changes will come about in each of the different months.  I look for what each new season brings–eagerly anticipating the blooms that will soon appear all over the yard… the tiny new, elegant leaves of the giant old weeping willow tree, the daffodils that will soon dance around the base of that old tree. Today was no different, the familiar sights were there… the earth pounding with the shoots…

  • Journal - Planner - ThisBeautifulLife

    This Beautiful Life

    As I mentioned in my previous post, one evening a month, I have the privilege of sharing a message with a “TitusTwo” group of women.  As I wrote out that message on Communication, I was mindful that there was going to be a presentation by another sister at the meeting.  My friend mentioned that her friend had written a book and would be sharing about it with the group. Thinking  there really might not be time for me to share a message, I still wanted to be prepared — but looking back now, I’m not sure it was necessary for…

  • Devotionals - Titus2 - Womanhood

    the power of communication

    Regardless the circumstance, the importance and power of good communication cannot be understated.  The impact of either good or bad, clear or muddled, distinct or vague communication is powerful.  Think of a time recently when something you said or did was misunderstood by another person; or consider the last time you misunderstood what was communicated to you.  How’d that go for you?  What were the consequences? I’m sharing with you part of a talk I gave last night at our monthly TitusTwo meeting.  As I go along through the years, I’m so grateful for these opportunities to share (and learn!!!)…

  • NewsDuJour - Parenting - Society

    Fifty shades of moral depravity

    I haven’t read the book.  I won’t watch the movie. I saw the trailer for the movie Fifty Shades of Grey Evil in the theater.  Prior to another film I saw in the theater last fall, I heard the trailer as it played and teased the audience with despicable allure.  One needn’t have grown up with a sex-addict psychopath to know when someone/something is evil.  Nor, dare I say, does one need to be “spiritual” to recognize the evil of immorality — sexual abuse or abusive behaviour.  The law of God is written in our hearts. We know from the…

  • Faith - Family - Heart-Attack-recovery - Potpourri - Slices of Life

    songs for seasons

    Just recently I was sharing with my church family the many times the Lord has given me a song for a season — songs playing in the theater of my mind in different seasons.  Through the years, here in this blog, I’ve shared clips of songs or meaningful words that have carried me through difficult days or trials.  Interestingly (and thankfully!), the Lord has often used music to direct or focus my thoughts.  When my mind would tend to wander in caves of worry or despair, songs have been my pillar of fire in darkness; songs have been my anchor…