Last week as I was describing the beginnings of Trim Healthy Mama and the food plan, I alluded to the printed supply lists that teachers send to the local stores to post in the school supply aisles. These lists not only help parents to select the specific supplies their child(ren) will need, but it also ensures that each student will come to school prepared for whatever the teacher’s lessons will require. Filling their backpacks with the right supplies and tools will set them on the path for successful learning and, hopefully, successful completion of the coming assignments. Ongoing failure to…
Regarding the THM Jetpack, first: remember that the Jetpack itself is prayerful resolve (THM Jetpack part one). Now, let’s tackle what’s in the Jetpack. Besides your Bible & journal, start with the book: Trim Healthy Mama. Don’t misunderstand, while the book will add some $ignificant weight to the Jetpack, it won’t be all you need to work the plan; it is the “class material” you’ll need for the journey, but contrary to what you might think, it won’t be the all you need and it’s not the most expensive part of the “diet” plan. Okay, so at this point you…
I’ve recently been on a new journey to *health!* And, you know what the hardest part has been? Deciding to take the first step WITH the intent to take each next step on the same journey. So, if you’re not feeling well, if weight-gain or extra weight has plagued you—–and more importantly, if you’re sick and tired of being sick and tired, maybe a new plan is in order for you, too. It was/is for me and so I’ve begun this journey to health and healthy weight. It’s incredibly easy… So why am I including the following song? Bcz food’s…
Well, she’s been hanging around here for about a week now. And, to tell you the truth, I think my new friend is trying to kill me. Well… maybe not… but she is, at the very least, trying to beat me up. Okay— so, now I sound like a child complaining about the very thing they need the most. My new friend Teresa (as in Tapp) has been meeting me here every day for the past week. I’m getting in the swing of things—I would have thought I’d be further ahead or that it would be easier by now —…