
adding to the thousands of reasons list…

teacuppamela.pngJust when I stopped adding to this weeks entries on the Thousands of Reasons list… I have to add another. In fact, I was sort of considering that maybe I’d set up a page on the site where I would compile snips of articles or links. Maybe I’ll do it… yep, some other day.

So adding to this weeks’ entries (though this one doesn’t top an earlier entry of: murders by classmate), this is yet one more reason to home educate.

This so-called transgender student wants to be Prom King – I suppose this could actually become a few entries, really (on that page of “A Thousand Reasons to Home educate your children”):
1. No proms.
2. No gender confusion.
3. We teach that diversity is what we have in our weekly menus.

Breakfast, for example is one place where we have diversity. One day we have oatmeal, another day we have oatmeal with nuts and dried fruit – for diversity. Lunch, for example, is another place we have diversity. Peanut butter and jelly on wholewheat one day doesn’t mean we’re so closed minded that we might not have peanut butter and honey on wholewheat another day.

Diversity. We have diversity. We also do not have identity problems. We know who we are, what we are, how we are and why we are. We even promote gender identity expression. Seriously. Our g-i-r-l-s wear dresses and our b-o-y-s wear pants. It’s very simple and not at all confusing.

While the principal of the school seemed to commend the g-i-r-l, the principal originally planned to not allow the g-i-r-l to have h-e-r name on the Prom K-I-N-G ballot—but caved to the resistance and hid under the “law” wanting to “do the right thing…” Riiiight.

quotebegin.gifTiffani Sanchez, a science teacher who advises the school’s Gay-Straight Alliance, complained [about the original denying of the “prom King” ballot entry].

“Cinthia is still really learning who she is,” she said. “We want her to know that there’s a safe space for her here and we support her.” [code: we need more lesbians to bolster our own agenda]
On Wednesday, school officials shifted course, saying the district’s lawyers had recommended adding Covarrubias’ name to the ballot to comply with a state law protecting students’ ability to express their gender identity on campus.

“We always want to do the right thing by our students,” Vice Principal Sheila Uriarte said. “This is why we came to this decision.”

The law, passed in 2000, requires schools to protect students from discrimination on the basis of their sexuality, gender or “gender expression.”

As for our home school… “protecting students’ ability to express their gender identity…” on campus anywhere, we’re all for it. They know what it is and know that God created them uniquely -on purpose- for His glory.

Here’s more… links to sites that share this same passion for homeschooling and keeping children *out* of government schools.

A site that gives 101 reasons [and counting] to homeschool your children. And another one. And then one more. I threw in that last one just in case y’all thought I was totally having a bad day. Newp.

It’s a good day here. A really good day. The children are well, secure in their identities and childhood, too! Naomi (in a dress) just baked chocolate chip cookies – learning early that chocolate probably cures whatever ails ya and fresh cookies keep big brothers (in pants) very happy.

Prom king…


0 Comments on “adding to the thousands of reasons list…

  1. Hi everyone, I discovered a book that I think is relevant and important. It’s called “The Natural Diet Solution for PCOS and Infertility” by Dr. Nancy Dunne. What’s interesting is that she says there is a link between PCOS, overweight and chronic inflammation. A diet high in refined carbs tends to increase both weight and inflammation. Inflammation makes PCOS worse. Here’s a link to her PCOS natural diet book.

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