Category: The Church Today
birth control
dear to me blogs
The Church Today
Desiring God 2.18.13 – reprint
The Day Luther Died By Jonathan Parnell | Feb 18, 2013 12:00 am In Germany 467 years ago, in a small, backwater town called Eisleben, the shaking hand of a dying man scribbled this simple line: We are beggars. This is true. Martin Luther died on February 18, 1546. These last words of weakness echoed […]...
Life in Laodicea
The Church Today
The Love of the Truth
Can you believe we’re living in these days? That in the history of the world — His-story — we’re alive in these days! Remarkable! Truly remarkable! These thoughts and more came to me while reading in 2 Thessalonians 2 and elsewhere today. All over the world there are great surges of sensational events — and […]...
Life in Laodicea
The Church Today
slip-slidin’ away…
So, you’re here again today for a visit at the kitchen table. I’m having a cup of tea… because of some recent health problems, I’m making some radical changes. Yes… sniffle, sniffle, one of them includes drastically reducing coffee consumption — caffeine, really, and anything that contributes to high blood-pressure and high cholesterol. I […]...
The Church Today
A famine in the land…
“Living in Union with Christ…” This is the title of a series of messages by a Romanian born pastor, Josef Tson. He makes so many, many vital comments — it’s difficult to determine which to relate to you — it’s difficult to choose which are the gems of the gems. I’d like to share more […]...
The Church Today
Random thoughts on intolerance
I’m doing housekeeping today… many things needed sorting and filing, washing and ironing. Teatime brought to mind some thoughts from the past weekend. It’s getting fiercer and fiercer, the slick and sick double standard of those who scream to be tolerated — not just tolerated, but venerated — endorsed — lauded. I’m not a proponent […]...
The Church Today
On Colbert…
This isn’t a blanket endorsement of Stephen Colbert or The Colbert Nation… but I’m just posting this so that you’ll see the lengths to which some people are going to deceive others or to discredit the Bible. I first saw this at an apologetics conference this weekend during a talk by Dr. Doug Geivett. He […]...
Health / PCOS
In the Kitchen
The Church Today
Link Potpourri
Men Pleasers I’ve often wondered how, or by what means, the church will be carried away — what will it look like when the elect are deceived (Mark 13.22) and who’ll deceive and be deceived (2Timothy 3.13). When “An influential evangelical leader is coming under fire for saying in a NPR interview he believes in […]...
The Church Today
You just gotta wonder… that 7 day challenge
I don’t know about this one. I mean, I know about this – and read the article and listened to the challenge and I think I ‘get’ what he’s trying to accomplish and the point he’s trying to drive home – but I’m just really wondering about the sheer lack of godly wisdom there… and […]...
The Church Today
I saw a billboard
for a church in Seattle. It said: IT’S ALL ABOUT JESUS. in huge letters. All I could see was: IT’S ALL ABOUT JesUS...
More Slices of Life
The Church Today
You just really gotta be paying attention
Anything, repeated often enough, will be believed by the masses. And if you’re not careful, thoughtful and understand the Word of God and the enemy’s relentless attack on or distortion of the Truth, you’ll be swallowed up in the easy-believeism or the magnanimity of ‘leaders’ in ‘the church’ today. You just really gotta be paying […]...