Faith Family Homeschooling Motherhood

Flee Comparisonitis

Maybe you saw my thoughts yesterday where I wrote about Comparisonitis or making comparisons and how easy it is to become ensnared by this.  Comparing ourselves to others, comparing our situations to other’s situations (or our perception of their situations), our accomplishments (or lack thereof) to other’s accomplishments (as we perceive them to be).  Then […]...
Family Homeschooling


It sure took me by surprise… hasn’t happened in a long time… and, when it does, it rarely lingers.  Except today.  Today it lingered awhile and I completely caught off guard.  I was busily cleaning an area and reorganizing a bunch of books… I even had a ridiculous Christmas song stuck in my head.  And […]...
Family Homeschooling Parenting

homeschool conference withdrawal

 [cp_dropcaps]E[/cp_dropcaps]ach April, for the last ten years, a highlight for us has been the annual Christian Heritage Family Discipleship & Homeschooling Conference—this year, particularly so—for so many reasons. When I awoke this morning, I realized I’d been processing the conference in my dreams all night long.  I wondered how many other’s night’s sleep were filled […]...
Homeschooling Parenting

Christian Heritage Conference (part 1)

It’s been nearly a couple of weeks since the Christian Heritage Homeschooling and Family Discipleship Conference (whew! that’s a mouthful!) and I’ve continued to mull over some of the more “life impacting” elements of the conference.   I don’t know when the CH site will be updated, but it will be worth bookmarking and looking through […]...
Advanced Training Institute ATI / IBLP Homeschooling my story Wayward's

Blue & White

I love blue and white things.  Blue is my favourite colour.  It’s not my favourite mood, though I struggle with that one.  Sometimes, a lot.  Blue is my favourite for hydrangeas, dishes, gemstones, berries, skies and seas.  And though I mostly prefer to wear pink and black now, navy clothing has long been pretty much […]...
Advanced Training Institute ATI / IBLP Homeschooling Potpourri

Unpacking The ATI / IBLP Baggage

What I’m writing about these days isn’t sensational and isn’t unique to me.  It’s not isolated and it’s not rare — at least not in homeschool and/or conservative Christian circles.  It’s probably going on all over the place to one degree or another.  Most everyone who’s been caught up in a particular group/movement/method comes to […]...
Homemaking Homeschooling Letters to my Sisters Letters to Sarah Motherhood

Motherhood: A Call to Carry On

Carry on.  When you’re drop dead tired and there’re still several hours and as many chores left to do at the end of the day: Carry on.  When you have so much to do you don’t know how you’ll do it all: Carry on.  When you have so many needs to fill and seemingly not […]...
Family Homemaking Homeschooling Motherhood Potpourri

Empty Spaces

I don’t know what it is about “empty spaces” and my (and maybe your) insatiable need to fill them, but both are there: the empty spaces and the insatiable need to fill them.  I guess I attempt to fill full spaces, too… but that’s another story for another day. I was tempted to take the […]...
Home Sweet Home Homeschooling Society

IndoctriNation – the movie

Below is the content of an email letter I just received… Next weekend (March 16-18) is the nationwide premiere of IndoctriNation through National Movie Night.  Please consider hosting a movie night for this special weekend promotion to share IndoctriNation, which we are honored to have been chosen as the Best Documentary at the 2012 San […]...
Homeschooling Potpourri Slices of Life Womanhood


If you’ve been a mom for any length of time and you’ve spent time in and about homeschooling circles, Bible studies, workshops, conventions, courtship talks, retreats, blogs in the last 3 years or so… etc., etc., you’ve no doubt heard, or been part of, conversations that left you with a case of comparatitus.  All those […]...