Month: February 2007
the awesome task
It’s always hard to blog a post when it’s been some time since the previous. It’s sort of like exercising. There are a million and one excuses for not doing so or for avoiding the task, but once begun, it’s always a refreshing thing. And, like exercise with many breaks between, blogging is awkward and […]...
the dailies
It seems sometimes like the dailies get in the way of the dailies. That, or there are just too many dailies for one day. I think, then, that the best we can hope for sometimes is to have sort of a weekly, rather than a daily, perspective concerning most things. I mean, for example, it’s […]...
valentine’s day…
Did you miss it? I just received a link for making a cute valentine heart. Yep, a coupla days late. I like Necco sweethearts and I’m always disappointed when I taste a conversation heart that’s not a Necco heart. Anyway… too late for this year, but the Necco site‘s got a lot of fun things. […]...
The Church Today
the illusive secret
What’s the going phrase? What’s the best read? What’s the best thing to be doing, seeing, saying, wearing, thinking? You’ll find out about it on Oprah. Everybody loves… Oprah. So… what’s the big deal about that? I’m treading perhaps into fiery territory, but I’ll tread… I know, I know… I don’t even watch TV. Today […]...
More Slices of Life
Intersecting circles
As our friend visited with me in the kitchen yesterday, I was so profoundly touched by the way God uses incidents in people’s lives to touch the body, to move the body and to soften the body of Christ. She was relating how the life of a fine young man in their church family was […]...
memories and slices
In the wintertime, the sun streams in our bedroom window… and it’s beautiful. Often, I’m transported back to another time — in my mind. When the sun streams in I’m reminded of the mornings in the weeks following the birth of Naomi – our ninth child, born on Christmas Day. I recall how I would […]...
The Church Today
“The Message,” “The Voice” and The Truth.
Even so, Come LORD Jesus. Those who’ve followed the PDC or the PDL and are, were or have been interested in the “new conversation” of the quote, post-modern church, probably read from, or read in part, The Message. Now there’s another “project” in the works: The Voice. No conspiracy theories, no alarmist voices here… just […]...
mothering from the sidelines
mothering from the sidelines
It’s a quiet day here in our home – not much different than any other day. Oatmeal, dishes, laundry, scrubbing potties, sweeping, mopping and thinking. I mull over the topics discussed at the monthly “Titus 2” meeting last night. Like the blast of cold air that makes you gasp when you open the back door […]...
No, I did not fall off this great big flat earth, nor did I get lost under the avalanche of laundry created over the weekend, nor did I drown in dishwater or a sea of tears when Timothy went back to school… or while watching Kathryn gather, sort and pack for Uganda. The thing about […]...