Devotionals Motherhood

lingering to rush

I always feel like 1 Thessalonians is like lingering over a great cup of coffee and fresh hot bread with butter and jam and then glancing at the clock: and it’s like a race to get out the door to catch a plane. You know what I mean; the times you linger in pleasant conversation […]...

This and That…

Tidbits I’ve gathered today from previous posts: I’m partial to Susan Branch stuff—Cookbooks, Keepsake books, Calendars… stuff! I just received an email update about her site… I think you’ll like it! Her work reminds me of Karla Dornacher whose work I so admire and like seeing around our home—probably much more because it’s inspirational! Site-seeing: […]...

thinking about space…

I’m looking around and thinking about how to change or beautify the decorating scheme of our home.   I’m thinking about space.  Mom’s of many do this a lot, I think.   Interspersed in thoughts of “simplifying” and decluttering, I think we look around every day and say something like, “I’m sure there’s more space in this […]...
More Slices of Life

“ooooo, that’s different!”

In the ongoing saga of attempting to set up an online “store,” we continue to find out that there’s just “one more thing” to take care of before we can do the next thing and “just one more thing” till that can happen and so on. So, yesterday, we were sitting at the bank opening […]...

CLEAR speech

During a newscast this morning, I’m standing talking to my radio (I know, I know… second mistake) and I’m saying: new-klee-er, new-klee-er, new-klee-er! I hear new-cue-lur.  Again I say:  new-klee-er! It’s: new-klee-er, new-klee-er! I listen on… blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, newcuelur blah, blah, blah, blah, nucuelur… blah, blah, blah, blah newcuelur blah, blah… […]...

Truthy… Truing… True.

It’s all stuff I think about. Pretty often.  Whatsoever things are true…  Truing past events and warding off Truthiness.   The longer I live the more I see that people would rather be -truthy- than just about anything else.  For, really,  if we are truthful, people might not like us or at least might not like […]...

A remarkable offer from Vision Forum



I loved seeing a comment from Kathryn… I miss you guys…I’m tryin’ to act smart for your sake! Love you.” (See the post about Homeschooling below)   How I miss our precious girl!  We always have mixed emotions when she’s gone… wanting her to stay and wanting her to enjoy special experiences.  We’re torn over […]...
Family More Slices of Life

the progression of pots…

I’m smiling at how things change in life… and how, in a mind-boggling way, they really don’t change all that much at all.  As I reached for a pot for making farina this morning, I smiled as I recalled how I delighted in putting the whole set of my new pots and pans in the […]...
Homeschooling More Slices of Life

Another Homeschooling Year

The above cartoon is funny to me. Funny things always seem to contain a curious blend of truth, a stretch of that truth and a bit of fiction. Funny thing is, the fiction parallels the truth so closely that it’s hard to make a distinction sometimes. Well, so the above cartoon is funny to me. […]...