Author: pamela
Morning Coffee ☕
my story
Have you stopped to consider that even when you’re floundering, or feel as though you are, God is still present, still at work on your behalf, still working all things together for good according to His mercy (His great-great mercy!)? That is, for our/your good and His glory (His great, great glory). Throughout these last […]...
More Slices of Life
Morning Coffee ☕
The Race Before Us
Longing to run, but afraid to fail, that’s the story of my life. I’ve let this blog sit idle for so many months, it’s hard to imagine that for years I regularly wrote blog entries. But I love to write. I write nearly every day—just not here. Mu husband’s asked me to write… just write. […]...
The Hand of The Lord
Many times I have stated or thought in times of trial: The arm or the hand of the Lord is not shortened that it cannot save – nor His ear heavy, that it cannot hear. I say this in the face of difficult situations, disappointments, poor health, wayward children, losses, financial reverses or adversity, and, […]...
my story
Regretful Years: IBLP/ATI
Drinking from my saucer bcz my cup’s overflowed. But that doesn’t mean regretful things don’t resurface and flood my mind from time to time. And my mind surely is flooded these days. From March 2014 ATI / IBLP Tangled Web The ATI / IBLP Mess Unpacking The ATI / IBLP Baggage More ATI […]...
Jump in, the water’s fine…
Or so we said whenever someone visited and was hesitant to jump in… I’ve never figured out the exact purpose of this blog, the direction I wanted to steer it or the specific content I’d write or curate. But, one thing I know, for a couple of decades now, I’ve been drawn to write, drawn […]...
Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus
The first verse of the beautiful hymn, Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus: “O, soul are you weary and troubled? No light in the darkness you see?” is a line that resonates with many of us in various seasons or from time to time, I’m sure. Maybe you’re in such a season or are facing such a […]...
Home Sweet Home
my story
The Welcome Home
For a few months we had been inching toward the sale of our home. One year ago today was the first of three days of showings. We’d been blindly taking steps forward, guided by the unseen Hand. Now over twenty five years ago we were looking for a home that would be just right for […]...
my story
New Year
In the late 70,s/early 80’s my husband and I were involved in a couple of multi level marketing companies/programs. What we experienced in those days is still being used of the Lord to guide us today. We had no idea at the time that our thoughts and ideals were being shaped by some teachings that […]...
Site Additions & Updates
Very recently I’ve had to update this site (some of the differences are very noticeable while others are unchanged) as I was using a WordPress theme that is no longer fully supported by the WordPress platform. I began to notice that certain functions were no longer working, necessitating the change. I didn’t advance with the […]...
my story
Life’s Greatest Hindrances are its Greatest Teachers
More and more I find that what I used to consider my greatest hindrances were, in fact, my greatest teachers. I used to believe that my troubles were attributable to lack of finances and consequently, thought all of them could be solved by a surplus. I considered disadvantages and often almost totally overlooked the great […]...