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    Lists Are Tools

    After writing last week how I dealt with starting out unprepared, my friend wrote about lists I used to have on my walls. So I thought I’d continue on today sharing about lists and how to use them — remembering: lists are tools, they’re simply tools. Again, I wasn’t born organized — I’m not a naturally organized girl, but life as a mother to many children gave me much practice and many opportunities to test the results of being disorganized and being organized. And, believe me, organized was better. It’s still better — and it is for so many reasons…

  • Journal - Planner - ThisBeautifulLife

    Just One Added Thing Journal

    So the idea I wrote about yesterday… I implemented it and added one more thing to the idea:  Journal it!  Make an account of that next thing — every day — that one thing I added.  Accountability is a powerful tool. So is follow-through and accomplishment! So I have this notebook and will just keep writing the day/date and the item and I’ll keep a running number — honestly, I truly hope to see 266 things added.  Using this method *and* my This Beautiful Life planner journal, I will have a very tangible accountability tool/marker for this year.  I marvel…

  • Homemaking - Planner - Potpourri - ThisBeautifulLife

    Just one added thing each day

    [cp_dropcaps]T[/cp_dropcaps]his morning as I sat at my dining room table, I thought, what if I did one new thing each day for the rest of this year, how many things would I be able to do?  How many additional things would be accomplished?  Two Hundred Sixty Six.  Imagine: 266 additional things.  Instantly, I’m reminded of the significance of the number 266 — an average pregnancy is 266 days.   Not anymore for this Sarah, but that’s a number I’ll never forget. I considered:  Purposefully learning and purposefully accomplishing one additional thing every day.  Adding one more step, situp, pushup, crunch, squat—-one…

  • Devotionals - Faith - Journal - Planner - Prayer - prayers and answers

    Standing in the Son

    Though I use it most every day, it’s only every now and then that I take note of the verse imprinted on the cover of the notebook I’m currently using: “May the Lord bless you and keep you, and give you peace.”  from Numbers 6.24-26 I have dozens of such books since I began note-taking & journaling many years ago.  I’ve made a concerted effort to revisit the books from time to time — not only to see where I’ve been compared to where I am today, but to see what the Lord was showing me in Scripture, sermons, notes,…

  • Journal - Planner - ThisBeautifulLife

    This Beautiful Life

    As I mentioned in my previous post, one evening a month, I have the privilege of sharing a message with a “TitusTwo” group of women.  As I wrote out that message on Communication, I was mindful that there was going to be a presentation by another sister at the meeting.  My friend mentioned that her friend had written a book and would be sharing about it with the group. Thinking  there really might not be time for me to share a message, I still wanted to be prepared — but looking back now, I’m not sure it was necessary for…

  • Give Away - Giveaway - New Year - Notable Quotables - Planner - Slices of Life

    Y2K15 Inspiration and Notable Quotables

    No matter how many times I set out to NOT make “New Year’s” or “New Years” or “New Year” Resolutions, I end up making mental lists of resolves anyway.  Somehow, not writing them down makes them safe to consider.  It’s a mind-game — one I usually lose.  Last year I set out to continue instead of to begin a whole list of things because that’s all I really wanted to do at this point, one year ago.  I’d been having success losing weight using the THM plan and my plan was to simply press on.  I did.  Another thing I…

  • Family - Homemaking - Planner - Potpourri

    Chore sticks…

    A clean home is a happy home.  I know, I know, if ever there was a guilt inducing statement, that is it!  But, seriously, think with me for a moment… consider some of the very best homemaker feelings/accomplishments.  Doesn’t a ship-shape-top-to-bottom tidy give you a great feeling?  How about a thoroughly cleaned out garage, a freshly cleaned and ordered pantry, fridge or bedroom closet?  If you stop and think about these sorts of things, you’ll probably quickly remember how great it felt and how smoothly things seemed to run in your home.  Remember?  With the advent of our son getting…

  • Devotionals - Homemaking - Homeschooling - Motherhood - Planner - Streams - Desert

    Doing a new thing

    Based on past performance, many of us can attest that doing a new thing is hard.   This is where some of us fall off the cliff — or don’t even try!  It takes determination to not allow past performance to thwart us from trying or doing a new thing! Doing a new thing is tough.  Especially when that new thing takes will power or money — few of us have much of either.  And,  as we age, we have this daunting fear that past results (things that were good before they stopped being good) don’t necessarily mean that today’s performance…

  • Devotionals - Family - Homemaking - Planner - Potpourri

    Mary Thoughts Martha Hands

    I just came across a little note in my basket… and thought, this is just what I’m needing!  The reminder to have a Mary heart and a Martha mind was the gist of the note.  I’m personalizing it a bit to be: Mary thoughts and Martha hands.   I must be in the Word and in song in order that my heart and mind are stayed on heavenly things.  I must be in the Word and in song that my hands and plans are stayed on heavenly things — working at or accomplishing good things. This is such a needful  reminder…

  • Gardening - Homemaking - In the Kitchen - Planner - Preparedness Stuff

    Write It All Down Before You Forget

    If you spend time with me… you know it won’t be very long before you notice me writing something down.  I write lots of notes — I even write notes about notes. Well, tonight in this “write it all down before you forget” blog entry, I actually want to encourage you to add more to your kitchen counter journal  or your kitchen log.  If you don’t have one, may I encourage you do get a notebook — preferably an inexpensive, but thick, “half sheet size” spiral notebook that you can keep in your kitchen to record your daily chores and…