Motherhood mothering from the sidelines Parenting

motherhood means goodbyes

The goodbye’s of motherhood.  I’ll tell you, I never thought about this end of the deal as the children were coming along and our family increased in size every other year.  I didn’t even think about it when the children would go on occasional outings or when they headed off to camp every once in […]...
Internet Addiction my story Slices of Life

Internet Addiction

Just like an extra hot grandé mocha… the addiction starts a sip at a time.  And you don’t even know it.  You don’t even realize the cost — just like that steaming cup of coffee — it’s so smooth, so gradual – so available, so everywhere, so chíc.  An isolated instance — not a big […]...
Devotionals Family


Significant to me are the milestones in my life that were either turning points or celebrations or decisions.  Some of the turning points were simply changes in direction of thought or action; simple things like: from this day forward, I will________.   I have marked many of the “I will’s” in my Bible or on stones […]...

encouragement for prayer

As I was reading my Bible, I began to pray specifically for one of my boys.  This often happens as I am reading along and am inspired by the text to stop and pray or to make personal application to a particular situation or for a particular individual or family. Well, the other day as […]...


My blog journal…  the journey to bake the perfect cake. I’ve been working on this other blog off and on — more off than on, obviously,  for quite some time.  My husband had secured the biz-name for me a couple of years ago.  And then the site — but I couldn’t figure out how to […]...
Devotionals my story

the choice valley

I have Lynda Randle’s beautiful little book, God on the Mountain, which has been to me a book of great comfort..  Though its size is quite small and the pages sparsely filled — replete with great inspiration and beauty.  Wouldn’t you like that to be said of your life?  Though the life might have seemed […]...
Family Motherhood my story

internet junkie

There have been times when I imagined that one day I’d be sitting in a circle waiting for my turn to introduce myself and then when the person beside me finished their introduction and small talk, they’d glance at me, signaling my turn, and then I’d say:  I don’t know why I’m here or how […]...
my story Potpourri

The Trash Bin…

Every Thursday morning, like clockwork, our trash-man rolls down the lane to gather this week’s investment in a local landfill from our trash bin. Every two months a billing for this service shows up in our mailbox. Each week, as I shop for our groceries, I realize there are going to be additional costs to […]...