in the news Political stuff Society

Dr. Benjamin Carson

Take time to listen to this compelling and moving speech at the National Prayer Breakfast. Hear the voice of reasoned wisdom. O, that we would all have the courage to speak the truth and do so with confidence and courtesy....
in the news Life in Laodicea NewsDuJour Society

Ron Paul’s Farewell Speech to Congress

Take time to listen to this…  A free society depends on a virtuous and moral people… The new reforms are only further undermining liberty…...
in the news Political stuff Society

from Joel Rosenberg’s blog

I am posting this post in its entirety — more’s going on than all post-election messes, the CIA mess, and whatever else is being reported as a “top story” in the news…  Eyes on Israel… this is top news.   ISRAEL AT WAR: MISSILES FIRED AT TEL AVIV IDF retaliates by hitting 70 terror sites […]...
Home Sweet Home Homeschooling Society

IndoctriNation – the movie

Below is the content of an email letter I just received… Next weekend (March 16-18) is the nationwide premiere of IndoctriNation through National Movie Night.  Please consider hosting a movie night for this special weekend promotion to share IndoctriNation, which we are honored to have been chosen as the Best Documentary at the 2012 San […]...
marriage Society

that book

In the arena of hot topics in Christian circles since the first of the year, that book is getting a lot of press.  It’s been common to hear, have you read the book yet?  Or, what do you think about the Driscoll’s new book?  Ironically, it’s as if it’s the first time such a book’s […]...
Potpourri Society

The Latest Cool Stuff

You know when you’re sitting in you Doctor’s office waiting room and you sort of mindlessly thumb through the  magazines on the coffee table and you see things you didn’t even know existed or you see a half torn page and wonder what it was you missed?  Do you  log into Facebook or browse Google  […]...
Devotionals Life in Laodicea Society The Church Today

The Love of the Truth

Can you believe we’re living in these days?  That in the history of the world — His-story — we’re alive in these days!  Remarkable!  Truly remarkable!  These thoughts and more came to me while reading in 2 Thessalonians 2 and elsewhere today. All over the world there are great surges of sensational events  — and […]...
Parenting Political stuff Society

Understanding the times…

This book is an invaluable resource: The Marketing of Evil by David Kupelian. A powerful book....
NewsDuJour Political stuff Society

The 2010 State of the Union Address

In light of yesterday’s post regarding the real state of the union… here you go: The State of the Union Address – part one. Listen. if. you. can. BO: “Our most urgent task upon taking office, was to shore up the same banks that caused this crisis [Wow.]. It was not. easy. to. do. And […]...
Political stuff Preparedness Stuff Society

The Dollar Bubble
