Homeschooling Motherhood my story

Why Go To Home-School Conferences

Really… why go to Homeschool Conferences year after year? As I’ve spent all these quiet hours here in bed, I’ve pondered the last several days… the keynotes and the workshops. There was sort of a hidden blessing to getting sick at this time. In the meantime I’ve had opportunity to give thought to the Christian […]...
my story

And the tide rolled out…

It seems that for the last several weeks the tide has come in and gone out stronger and higher day by day.  It seems that in all the get up, clean up, wash up, hurry up, make more food and clean it all up and put it all away… lather, rinse, repeat another day, we’ve […]...
Family Kathryn my story

Happy Birthday Sweet Kathryn

Another birthday away from home… we’re missing you so far away in Jinja, Uganda…  but we praise the LORD for His work in and through you and trust Him to continue blessing and blessing you as He has all of your days.  We know that the best place and the safest place to be is […]...
my story Potpourri

It’s all THEIRS

Well, if there’s any money today, it’s all theirs. And all along you thought it was the IRS. Well, if you’re like us, you’ve spent this day wisely calculating every penny and every documented deduction, receipt, form, etc., etc. And if you’re like us, you’ve taken a look at your bank account and have reached […]...
my story Potpourri The Church Today

intentional or haphazard…

When days are busy, there’s just no way around it — not everything gets done that ought to have been done – but haphazard or intentional (or vice versa) what’s really most important usually does (get done – even if poorly). That’s how things have been or have seemed in the last couple of weeks. […]...
my story Parenting

Train up children in the way they should go…

I think about this verse a lot — I’ve thought about it a lot over the years. What does it mean and how do I practically apply it? What do we, as parents, needs to keep as our focus when we’re training up our children in the way they should go? I think a lot […]...
my story NewsDuJour

News du jour

Once again, I’m thinking that the Pacific Northwest missed Al Gore’s ‘global warming’ memo — totally missed the memo. I’m thinking that those of us who were driving in white-out snow last night on I-90 really wondered aloud: global warming? what global warming? Seems Mr. Gore has a new plan… almost sounds like a government […]...
my fiftieth year my story

Today is the first day…

Yes, today is the first day of my 50th year. And, as I alluded yesterday, I am most surprised I lived long enough to blog that line. Now, for those who do not know me personally or for those who do, my comments yesterday might be surprising. I mean, there is not really anything outwardly […]...
my story


I have one more day to be the age I never thought I be. And then tomorrow I will be the age I never thought I’d reach. For some reason, I don’t rightly remember why, I thought I’d never live past 39. And then I did. And now, I’m wondering how I got this far. […]...
Family my story The Church Today

When you get a wake-up call

I’m mulling over lots of things today as I clean bookshelves and re-order the movies, dvd’s and cd’s. The dust on some of them gave me a bit more necessary information when I questioned: Do we watch this anymore? Did we ever watch this? And, as always, I walk down memory lane when I go […]...