my fiftieth year - my story

Today is the first day…

teacuppamela.pngYes, today is the first day of my 50th year. And, as I alluded yesterday, I am most surprised I lived long enough to blog that line. Now, for those who do not know me personally or for those who do, my comments yesterday might be surprising. I mean, there is not really anything outwardly that would really indicate illness. Sure, twenty unnecessary pounds; sure, gray hair; sure, appearance of age and lack of aggressive physical fitness. But, for the most part, I just look my age — so no real indication of why in the world I never thought I’d be this age.

Well, I’ll tell you. As I have battled depression of sorts, and occasional hopelessness, regret and a host of other negatives through the years, it’s been a constant vigil to keep those thoughts at bay – to take captive those thoughts that exalt themselves against the Truth of God. I determine to be joyful; I determine to be optimistic — to press on, to look for joy, to see the King in all things.

Even in those things I write about that are not making the mark or that are falling short – I still look for the Lord in those situations. It may not seem like it… it may not seem loving to write about the compromises in the church today, it may not seem loving to point out church teachings and fallacies that are inconsistent with the Word of God. And, believe me, when I say joyful, I’m not meaning lighthearted, for I am anything but lighthearted about the atrocities of compromises in the church, in homes and Christian families. But I am joyful in Jesus – because I see all of these terrible things must mean one thing: the enemy is fighting the families — fighting the church and therefore fighting against God. And my joy comes from knowing Christ is and has the Victory. He is our peace.

So today’s the first day of my fiftieth year.

Wes took me on a morning date to Starbucks – to get a coffee, to talk, to reminisce and to celebrate the gift of one more year. Together. I loved it. I love him.


Here’s what was on my cup for this day:

The Way I See It #280

You can learn a lot more from listening than you can from talking. Find someone with whom you don’t agree in the slightest and ask them to explain themselves at length. Then take a seat, shut your mouth, and don’t argue back. It’s physically impossible to listen with your mouth open.
John Moe
Radio host and author of Conservatize Me.


So, on this, the first day of my fiftieth year, I want to begin by listening more. More and better. I want to listen at length — I want to listen at length to explanations at length. Well, except to gossip. I want to resolve to never listen to gossip. But other than that… I want to be characterized as a woman who listens at length.

Ah… the mail’s here… Birthday cards, birthday cards!! :o)


0 Comments on “Today is the first day…

  1. Awwwwwww…. thank you! I love you, Mama… thanks for the greeting and checking in! I hope you are having a wonderful time! ily.

    And… thank you all for your birthday wishes… you all are very, very precious to me. ——pamela

  2. Entering your 50th year, huh? So is my BABY!

    Hope your birthday was a great one and your outlook is just that……..looking out and up!!


  3. Wow ~ at LONG last I finally make it over here to catch up with the Spurlings and see it’s your birthday!! HAPPY 5-0th! It’s so beautiful on you!

    Reading about Kathryn’s leading/mission was so meaningful as some friends of our’s just returned from Uganda with a vision to help with an orphanage there. I’ll always think of Kathryn now because of the connection. She is so beautiful, Pamela. But, I know you know that.

    with love,

  4. Happy Birthday, Pam !! I am glad you made it this far. Today is my mom’s birthday also. She made it to 67.

  5. Happy birthday!! I understand exactly what you mean when you say you didn’t think you’d see 50. I’m 36 now so I’ve lived a whole 15 years longer than I thought I would as a teen. I hope you had a wonderful day.

  6. HAPPY BIRTHDAY PAMELA!! What an awesome age. I used to think that 50 was old, but now that I will be there in just 4 short years,I know it is really just the beginning of a great part of your life. I pray that your day is filled with joy and wonderful memories.


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