Devotionals my story

He is Alive!

He is Alive!   What a beautiful, rainy, windy day this is! Many thoughts swirl in my mind as I consider the significance of this time of year. Ringing everywhere is the sweet refrain: He Lives! Songs of joy, songs of newness of life in Christ, songs of heaven. Do you long for heaven? I […]...
Family my story

Mama Lolli Pop

After seeing our family’s singing debut (with the happy birthday video we made for Timothy so could see & hear us singing to him from the other side of the world) our friend called me, Mama Lolli Pop.   I already have a mousy voice — but increase the speed of a video a few notches, […]...
my story NewsDuJour

Happy Birthday, Mr. Rogers

And thanks, for the memories. Today would’ve been Mister Rogers’ 80th birthday. I didn’t grow up watching much television at all and so, not even Mister Rogers very often, and our children didn’t watch television and I don’t think our grandchildren watch ‘reruns’ of Mister Rogers. But I saw the show a number of times […]...
Family my story Timothy - Ghana

Happy Birthday, Timothy!

We’re sure missing our boy today… on his birthday, and every day. Hannah made a birthday cake for Timothy, put it on the Red Plate… we lit the candles and sang the ‘happy birthday song’ while the camera was recording. So, here we are, early this morning, singing to our boy… 7500 miles away. Happy […]...
Family my story

In the morning when I rise…

Give me Jesus....
Devotionals Homeschooling my story

Fearing God, not man

An incredible amount of interest and controversy has arisen in the wake of the judge’s decision regarding homeschooling in California. And, it’s not surprising that the education system is watching this matter probably as closely as parents who home educate their children in that state and elsewhere. There’s a great deal at stake here in […]...
Motherhood my story

the endearing bouquet

Truly, one of the most surprising and endearing gifts I ever received was a bouquet that Samuel brought me from our front yard. Now, the other children had been bringing me flowers from the yard, one from the neighbour’s yard and some from a home down the street. Well, we had to take care of […]...
Devotionals my story

Standing in the Presents of God pt.2

Devotionals my story

Standing in the Presents of God

No, that wasn’t a typographical error. I suppose it might even seem as though I misspelled “presence” for what may have seemed like an intro to a Brother Lawrence book. But no. Tonight I’m feeling like I’m standing in the presents of God. Maybe even buried in the presents of God — for He is […]...
Kathryn my story


At long last… today’s the day… Kathryn leaves for Uganda this afternoon and so we’re busily wrapping up last minute details…  attempting to pack whatever can possibly fit in to eight hours and two suitcases. I’ll update her letters and photos as I receive them.   Thank you for your prayers to the Lord on […]...