More Slices of Life

So, I’m sitting here writing a post on Motherhood and a letter pops up in my inbox and I read it and respond… it’s a letter regarding being a keeper at home and the writer asks if its okay or appropriate for a woman to leave her home according to Titus2 in order to teach […]...
More Slices of Life

my new friend…

So I had my second night’s rest with my new inflexible friend: night-guard. Now, this little night-guard is a clear piece of plastic that is exactly fitted to my upper teeth. This little piece of plastic is to be faithfully worn at night to prevent bruxism (see Wiki’s) or teeth-grinding. Now, I didn’t know that […]...
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and to think this all started with the Ford Motor company…

So, I was reading mails that came through this afternoon…. more help for dysfunctions, more pharmaceuticals and diet aids and of course, today’s hurry-make-your-voice-vote-opinion-yada-yada-yada known! Hurry… the country’s going to hellinahandbasket if you don’t do something fast.  A mouse click and your voice could save this nation. So, today’s AFA report was in regard to […]...
More Slices of Life

Gardening & Browsing blogs today…

I had to come inside from doing yardwork. I’m pretty sure I might have died otherwise. I have aches in places I didn’t know I had muscles or in places I didn’t have muscles. I love to garden but bcz of having surgery last spring, I didn’t do any gardening last year. So… this year […]...
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bad days

It seems that there is no good news these days… the decaying world demonstrates its bent to destruction and we see evidence of this throughout society. O, it’s not just the horrendous murders, the senseless killings, the hostile reactions to the decision to legally protect innocent unborn babies… and it’s not specifically the actions of […]...
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A mom’s gotta be pretty sharp…

to stay ahead of boys. And even a semi conscious state of prayer blesses a mom and gives practical wisdom. I have to stop and thank the LORD often for His intercession on my behalf. I suppose I’d lose my mind, otherwise—that, or I’d sure lose a lot of ground each day. It was out […]...
More Slices of Life

I forgot I didn’t ever want to ever…

…have a garage sale again.  You know how I often say: write stuff down, for you will surely forget it?  Well, this day reminds me to write stuff down, lest I forget and fall into temptation.  So, the temptation was before me: should we have a garage sale or not?  So… I was thinking this […]...
More Slices of Life

Another boy deal…

So, we came home from the wedding.  Whew… were we ever tired—long day of hurry-scurry and then it was over, the reception was all set up, served and cleaned up and we looked forward to a rest.  We’d had a whirlwind weekend with Timothy stopping in to spend the night and to leave while we […]...
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mowing and pruning and boys…

It was such a strange day today. Strange bcz it was peculiarly quiet and strange bcz it was so cold… yet, bcz it was sunny out, the children were delighted to play all day—even the work was play for them today. Yet another boy has mastered the mowing and was so thrilled to be making […]...
More Slices of Life

Kathryn’s Letters and another birthday

What a blessing it has been to be able to occasionally talk with Kathryn on the phone and also to receive her letters from Jinja, Uganda where she’s working in an orphanage.  I know as she wraps up the month of March there, she’s likely thinking that the time is moving too swiftly! Her letters […]...