My husband’s birthday was on Tuesday — we began the day’s celebration with aebelskivers for breakfast for him! I make aebelskivers for special breakfasts — but sometimes, when it seems it’s been ‘awhile’ since I made them, someone will ask for them for breakfast (or dinner!). We serve them with powdered sugar (as you see here) and raspberry or blackberry jam or maple syrup. I’ve been making these for many years — and though at first they are a bit tricky to make, after some practice, they’re a very, very easy and fun breakfast tradition. I have some more photos and the recipe here! My favourite pan is the SCI cast-iron aebelskiver pan — you can purchase from the Solvang restaurant here. They’re often out of stock, though. 🙁 You can also purchase aebelskiver pans from Williams Sonoma. And I wouldn’t bother with two ‘hand tools’ for turning the aebelskivers. Just get a #4 knitting needle and use it for turning the aebelskivers. Medium heat to medium-low heat seems best (but you’ll get the hang of it and what temp works best on your stove). And use 1/2 butter-1/2 oil for the ‘cups’ of the pan. Too much butter makes them brown too easily and too much oil is… too much oil. :o)
As the years go by, I’m sure thankful for family traditions — I think everyone ought to have special traditions they look forward to and fondly remember from days gone by. I love hearing my children’s “we always ______ “ (but those comments are sometimes followed by an older child saying: “O, yes, we always did that. One time.” 😉
Well, for us, Aebelskivers are a many-many time thing. And, when we go to Spokane we always have at least one breakfast at The Olde European restaurant and always have at least one order of ‘skivers.

Yes, Ouida, the aebelskivers are *not* reducing-diet food! So… as with most things in the butter-sugar-flour category: attempt to make them a rarity and eat in moderation!! I’ve not been doing so well in this endeavor — I had aebelskivers *and* a coffee date that day and icecream that night — o-my!!!
I am and will be remembering you and your daughter in prayer — that the Lord will watch over, protect, guide and provide for her (and you) especially during this time. I understand your anxiousness in these times — it’s strange, but we sure need these stretching and heartrending experiences as our children grow and prepare for the road ahead. God knows what’s best for them and will lead them (and us) along.
With love and remembrances of you to the Lord. sincerely, pamela
Hi Mrs. Spurling,
I remember you posting about this tradition before. I thought about trying them but never got around to it. Tomorrow I start my quest for healthy eating so I don’t think I will be trying them soon!
Could I make a prayer request? My daughter is leaving tomorrow to spend a month with her best friend. She will be 1000 miles away from home. Could you pray for safe travels? And perhaps that her momma doesn’t die from heartbreak 😉
Ouida Gabriel
looks yummy~ It is so true traditions are important! I believe that it is something that we mom’s need to establish~ I think it helps set the tone for our families.