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Cake Pops

A little more traveling around… this time, I want to share with you a fun idea: Cake Pops!

You’ve no doubt seen these in shoppes and Starbucks… but you don’t need to pay the high price to try one of these or to share them with your family.  You can make them at home — and, just the way your family would like them!

Here you go:

This woman is soooo fun to listen to — I watched a few more of her videos. Then, following the link to her site, I sure think she’s got a great site going there! I think you’ll like the ideas/methods, too. Especially if you’ve slid into a slump in the cooking and serving department! Sometimes all you need is a little nudge, a picture of creativity at work and some new ideas to spark enthusiasm for serving your family! If you’re in a slump, do not — I repeat — do not stay there. It’s homemaker suicide to stay in a slump and wallow there. Believe me, the price is too high – you don’t want to pay that price — wait, you CANNOT afford to do it!

You can view more of her videos *or* you can visit her site, Divas Can Cook for more great cooking tips, recipes and serving ideas.  Go!

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