In the Kitchen

MM Fondant

I’m learning to make some pretty smooth fondant for wedding cakes — well, any cake, actually! This is so easy to make and tastes so nice, I can’t figure out why I ever bought “ready-made” fondant! Not to mention the price. Okay, I will. The cost to make fondant is *significantly* less than the retail price of packaged fondant. Another thing I love about making fondant is the ease of colouring and flavouring the fondant!

I don’t have my A Bella Cake site ready yet, but I’ll be adding photos of cakes there. I’ll link to it when it’s up and running. I have a cake I’m dreaming up right now — a wedding cake for an October wedding. It’s not an autumn themed wedding… so, no need to try and come up with the majestic hues of autumn, but maybe more difficult for me will be to make this cake look as beautiful as the one I’ve dreamed of making. I’ll show you some photos when it’s made. The bride is a precious friend and I want her cake to be a blessing to her. I so wish I had had more skill and more experience when I made her sister’s wedding cake a few years ago — it was very, very important to me to make that one special, too — but I’m not so pleased with the outcome. Maybe I can make another cake for her someday. An elaborate anniversary or birthday cake or something.

Anyway… have a look at Marshmallow Fondant — It’s really fun!


4 Comments on “MM Fondant

  1. Hi Tina —
    I don’t think it’s at all necessary to use a dough hook — in fact, I have made several ‘batches’ of fondant and just use a well greased mat — and knead the fondant until smooth… greasing my hands with Crisco several times in the kneading process. It’s very, very easy and the fondant has been delicious!

    — pamela

  2. Just wondering if I don’t have a dough hook what should I use or do I really need a dough hook?

  3. So is that what all fondant is made from…I had NO idea…I had it once on a wedding cake, and didn’t really care for it much, but this looks similar to just the marshmellows I send home with you all…

    THanks for the tutorial…it was very interesting!

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