this is going to go a whole lot slower…
… than I thought. I don’t think there are enough hours in the minutes of this morning to do the work necessary to make this a recognizable blogsite…….. but maybe after this gray morning clears… and the sun comes out (really!) I’ll be enthused to work on this mess. For now, I think I’ll take […]...
a blip in time
after a major malfunction… maybe I am up and running again? With a simple click… that’s all it took: click. I sort fo felt like Ann(e) of Green Gables… I looked at the brooch and it… slippppped from my fingers and sank beneath the rippling waves. I effectively erased the other blog completely. Ooops. The […]...
prayers and answers
prayers for conception
Week after week we receive them… prayer requests and tearful letters from sisters and brothers in the Lord who are seeking prayer for conception and pregnancy. Most of the time the requests are from women who’ve never borne children and long for a baby — long to be a mother and have a family to […]...
Some Home Making’s
Some Home Making’s February 13, 2006 I had (late last night) decided that in the morning I’d like to share “Some Home Making’s” for today’s blog—and how faithful is the LORD—I had a direction late yesterday and He showed that He had a purpose for it today. Our friend sent us an email this morning: […]...
Another Saturday Morning
Another Saturday Morning February 11, 2006 It’s early… one of the kinds of mornings I treasure so much… spending time with one child—the little early-birdie who brings the sunshine in! Standing at the counter, and he sitting on the stool with the cutting board pulled out to form a table for him next to the […]...
May 2005 Blog Entries
May 6, 2005 ” …There’s a Florida woman who lost 170 pounds on her personally designed “Backwards Diet.” She ate/eats for breakfast what one would have for dinner and for dinner what would typically be eaten at breakfast in addition to cutting out sugar (me: weep), caffeine (me: gasp!) and soda (me: sniff). Now, I […]...
July 2004 Blog
July July 23, 2004 Growing up in California made me a Californian—but, seriously it’s hard for me to think that now living in Washington makes me a Washingtonian—this is just home to me. But I don’t feel like a Washingtonian. Now, yesterdays’ blog may have been confusing—as it sounded as if we were in […]...
May 2004
Go get your cup and read on. Blogging’s therapeutic for me, and I pray encouraging for you. Each days’ blog is a bit of journaling of slices of life here in our home and ways the LORD’s working. Someday my children will read “mom’s blog” and catch a glimpse of some of what was “important” each […]...
More Slices of Life
The CPU barbecue
April 15, 2004 – I’m using my husband’s computer to post today’s blog. I’m left-handed challenged here—this is a wave keyboard on a right hand desk—sans a mouse, with a touch pad which is also for a right-handed, or creativity-challenged, person. [WHAT??? are you insulting me on my own computer??! –w B-] I have a marvelous […]...