More Slices of Life

The CPU barbecue

April 15, 2004  –  I’m using my husband’s computer to post today’s blog.  I’m left-handed challenged here—this is a wave keyboard on a right hand desk—sans a mouse, with a touch pad which is also for a right-handed, or creativity-challenged, person. [WHAT???  are you insulting me on  my own computer??!  –w B- I have a marvelous new fan for my computer downstairs and thanks to my guardian angel at Microsoft, I also have a new CPU—for which I am exceedingly grateful.  However, the latest fiasco didn’t stop with the failure of the fan and the subsequent CPU barbecue—no, it also took out the motherboard—which is one year and two weeks old. In less than a week’s time, the case downstairs has been converted into a foot rest, the desk top is a waste management collection site, there are various cords under the desk that appear to be reaching out trying to hook up to something and the silent black monitor looks as out of place on the desk as an open and empty upright freezer plugged into a Tonka truck would look in the middle of our living room.  It’s as if the non-functioning computer has rendered the once lively portion of the kitchen into a room that’s become useless except specifically at mealtime.  The kitchen in our home is generally an 18+ hour activity center each day!  [Not so, now.—w]

I’ve had a couple of these wave keyboards—well maybe a few of them, actually.  But I’ve found over the years that keyboards are essentially not Dr. Pepper friendly.  Every time a Dr. Pepper topples onto the keyboard, the whole day changes!  Now, I’ve gotten so fast at instantly inverting the keyboard,  allowing the DP to run all over the desk, the pull-out keyboard surface and any paperwork or books on the desk—but the keyboard (almost always) escapes damage.  Now… you might wonder how this lesson has been repeated and met with failure time and again.  I assure you, great care has always been exerted to save the DP—It’s a shame to see a full glass wasted, so every attempt is made to swipe up the glass and flip the keyboard over at the same time while juggling the wiggling child on my lap.  It’s an art, I tell ya!  Now I have two pieces of equipment to save in the process of avoiding the liquid contact—but I’ve found it to be far easier to grab the wireless keyboard and mouse and immediately stand up to avoid contact.  Incidentally, the price of the wireless keyboard-mouse has been a terrific incentive to place the mocha or DP elsewhere—Wes appreciates this small concession I’ve made. [yes, i do; and since you’re using my system, i’m also kinda enjoying this literary latitude with which i’m taking laconic liberties!]

I’ll attempt to publish this blog and if successful, I’ll attempt another entry later… I assure you, it will be my sincere effort to post something of value.

—with love, pamela

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