
Let every thing that has breath praise the LORD

Glory to God in the Highest…...
More Slices of Life

Striving for mastery

Today is day six of my Umpteenth and One diet. I don’t really know how many umpteen is, but I know it’s a lot. And I know it’s not specific, for I could never actually recall the actual diets I have attempted. I say attempted, bcz actually, I have never really strictly adhered to a […]...
More Slices of Life


My oven’s being cleaned right now. Actually, it’s being chemically treated right now and in a few minutes I am going to don a mask and attempt to clean it. I don’t know what I was thinking as I removed a pan from the oven a few nights ago… and sort of flung the contents […]...
More Slices of Life

And the wait goes on.

And may I say… I love eBay? Well anyway… it’s fun to say I won another item. Actually, I’m not so sure Wes thinks I “win” items — for every time I win, he loses a little ~wink~ and adores me, I suppose. This time my purchase was a Christmas with Southern Living. I know… […]...

the battle

Upon waking this morning, I realized I already faced a battle. A battle of my will, my flesh and my faith. I realized that before I even rose from the warm bed, that had allowed me comfort and safety through the night, I was faced with a tap from the that enemy I know so […]...
Family marriage

Dates and gifts

We went on a date on Saturday night ― out to dinner to a place I love. Well, I love going out on dates anywhere, so the place or location really doesn’t matter to me all that much. Actually, even dates at Home Depot or wherever, whenever and however the time happens, dates are sweet […]...

ah… famous last words

Browsing our local paper this morning… here’s a new line for you: I regret this and I’m big time sorry. I guess he ought to be. Rhys Davis is the Republican candidate for Grays Harbor County commissioner — bet he’s big time sorry this morning as news of his soft porn website fills area newspapers. […]...

That all the people of the earth might know…

This morning I’m mulling over some thoughts shared in our Bible study last evening and I been reflecting on a statement made by one of the brothers who had just come back from an arduous hike with his wife and a couple of their daughters. He commented that what we see from the mountaintops are […]...

The Moon…

We recently went to see a play in which our friends were performing. It was a neat opportunity to take a couple of the children— to spend some time with them and to experience that evening/event together. One of the songs that was sung in the play, Annie Get Your Gun, was the Irving Berlin […]...

looking forward

I sure want to thank all who wrote all the wonderful posts, the kind words and share great ideas and inspiration on the other blog. I’m so blessed by all the different comments, links and reciprocal blogs. It’s with joy that I look forward to the days ahead. I smile today bcz time has a […]...