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Fireproof – the movie – Please *go* see it!

teacuppamela.pngI very rarely make a bold movie recommendation and I don’t think I’ve ever suggested that there’s a movie *every* married couple must see.  Until now.  Now, I’m not caught up in the afterglow of a tremendous movie or in a bunch of emotional hype that seems to be the order of the day when a person comes out with a  guaranteed to change the purpose of your best life now sort of book and I’m not doing a 40 day program with my church and I am not even saying this movie will change your life, your marriage or your future.  But I am saying that if couples (married especially, but engaged couples as well) would go see the movie Fireproof, I believe God would most surely use it to open blind eyes and soften hard hearts and change directions, habits, decisions and futures of marriages – any marriage – current or future.

Wes and I went to see Fireproof  last night.  I’m telling you it was a powerful, God honouring, insightful and inspiring movie.  The message was that powerful.  And it wasn’t bcz it was a message about something I’m passionate about – though it is – it’s bcz the underlying message of the Good News of Jesus Christ was the central theme woven in the message that marriage is a covenant and no one/no marriage is beyond hope.  I would go see it again today.  I will buy it and I would, if I could, buy a copy of the movie for every couple I know (couples from engagement beyond golden anniversary).  I would, if I could today, buy The Love Dare Journal for every couple I know (see a sample chapter here); No kidding.

The power of the Gospel – the power of God to save, restore, rekindle love, secure commitment to the covenant of marriage, to power of God to work in lives of husbands and wives… to honour, respect, forgive, love and cherish one another… this is the theme of the movie.  This is the powerful message Fireproof presents.

Now, I know there are critics mocking this movie and punching gaping hole in whatever flaws they perceive the movie to have.  And there are those who, for seared consciences, are mocking the “religious” answers, approach or reaction to life’s trials and temptations – as if to be disappointed that the movie didn’t go the direction most marriages on the brink of divorce go or the direction physical or emotional affairs go.  It’s pretty incredible that a movie of the caliber of Fireproof is even playing in mainstream theaters.

I suppose there’s probably some shock disappointment, by those same sarcastic, hollywood plastic faces and movie critics, and they’re probably incensed that the movie contained no nudity, no gratuitous sex, no philandering, no swearing, no omg’s, no crude language, no drinking, no drugs, no gambling, none of their favourite ‘stars’ and nothing to bolster Barak Obama’s standing in the polls.

My prayer is that this will not become just another hyped up, trinkets and trash, mega’church’ gizmo to attract masses – 40 days of whatever and the marvelous intrinsic value, message and intent is lost to much making of merchandise. (Ezekiel 26.12 &  2Peter 2.2-3)

♥ Go see it!!

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0 Comments on “Fireproof – the movie – Please *go* see it!

  1. GREAT MOVIE! Thanks for your post. My wife and I went and saw the movie and think not just married couples, but ANY couple should see this film. This helps everyone with an accurate picture of marriage. It’s not all roses. It takes work, but the benefit of the deeper relationship is well worth it!

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