• Faith - Health / PCOS - my story - Potpourri - THM - Trim Healthy Mama

    In Three Hours

    The beauty of a plan is the presence of accompanying grace.  I think this is true with most any plan.  Well, except for plans with deadlines, specific time frames, appointments, etc. So it is, with the Trim Healthy Mama “plan” for health and optimal weight or finding your trim. With grace. Grace doesn’t mean carelessness, though.  And it doesn’t mean neglect.  I know that. Now. The result of neglecting the plan is sort of like how money evaporates in California.  Or how the reaching of an optimal weight goal is erased by consuming bags of sea salt & dark-chocolate covered…

  • Health / PCOS - my story - THM - Trim Healthy Mama

    three months = thm

    A little over three months ago, I ordered the Trim Healthy Mama book.  I kept ‘stumbling’ into links and recipes during searches for health, no sugar and a few other search words I used each day googling for ‘healthy’ foods — or foods with no sugar.  I would read recipes that women had adapted or linked from the THM book and I’d think:  I could NEVER do this… well, at least not for long.  And given the fact that I only know knew how to crash diet, I thought it would be pretty hard thing to justify spending $35. on…

  • Health / PCOS - my story - THM - Trim Healthy Mama - umpteenth+1 diet

    THM… Seriously.

    You know what?  I like the Trim Healthy Mama (diet) plan.  Seriously.  I like it enough to think I’ll always like this plan.  Seriously.  And the reason I keep saying, seriously, is because I believe this plan can only be a benefit if it’s taken seriously.   I can, at this early stage of the plan see the importance of seriousness.  And I can also easily see that if you fail to plan, you plan to fail on this plan.  I finally see the reason for and the wisdom behind the size and weight and cost of this book and the…

  • Health / PCOS - Heart-Attack-recovery - my story - PCOS - Potpourri - THM - Trim Healthy Mama - umpteenth+1 diet

    THM… so much hope

    As I press on, on the THM (Trim Healthy Mama) journey, I have so much hope.   I have so much hope bcz I’m so not alone and I’m so not seeing this as a diet but a different way of approaching health and nutrition.  I say this bcz I’ve experienced so many diets in the past.  And the difference, for me, with Trim Healthy Mama (after this, THM), is that it’s not a limited time diet.  By this I mean, it’s not the lemonade-type diet or the military-type diet or the mama with a wayward child/depression diet or the zone-type…

  • Potpourri - Trim Healthy Mama

    Discipline… THM

    It seems to me that nothing spotlights the will or the flesh quite like discipline.  I’ve found (yet again) that I surely relate well to the Biblical passage regarding the willing spirit and weak flesh.  Though that passage doesn’t necessarily relate to undisciplined eating, it does relate to the flesh and its incredible weakness under temptation.   Watch and pray, that ye enter not into temptation: the spirit indeed is willing,  but the flesh is weak.” Matthew 26.41 As I sojourn on the THM path (Trim Healthy Mama), each day I find new things over which I seem to have…

  • Health / PCOS - NewsDuJour

    Today: Swine Flu

    This is well worth your viewing time.  Be not overly anxious.  Be not overtaken with sudden fear. Trust in the Lord.  Be anxious for nothing.  Rest. Drink lemon-water.  Be wise. Exercise. Eat well.  Be sensible