Devotionals Family Gardening


As the fruit and nuts and leaves fall from the trees around our yard, I can’t help but notice the poignant reminder that our lives, too, have seasons — and they change.  As I reflect on this, I am reminded that the most fruitful season may not appear to be the currant one – even […]...
Devotionals Family Homemaking Planner Potpourri

Mary Thoughts Martha Hands

I just came across a little note in my basket… and thought, this is just what I’m needing!  The reminder to have a Mary heart and a Martha mind was the gist of the note.  I’m personalizing it a bit to be: Mary thoughts and Martha hands.   I must be in the Word and in […]...
Homemaking Homeschooling Motherhood

the endearing faces

I stared blindly at the ceiling as I lay in bed and thought of the evening I’d just spent.  Sleep didn’t seem to come easily. Or soon.  I couldn’t stop thinking of them… their tender, lineless faces, bright smiles, dark hair and the playfulness of youth in their eyes.  And, I couldn’t help but — […]...
Family Hawai'i Motherhood my story

Mother’s Happy Day 2011

To my precious children… how strange it is to be apart from you this day.  How interesting that the Lord would, in His wisdom, goodness and mercy, have us to be a million miles apart on this day.  But as I have held you in my heart from the day you were born, so also, […]...
Family Kathryn my story

Birthday Princess

Today is not my birthday.  Yesterday was not my birthday.  The day before yesterday… was.  Yet, I woke up yesterday expecting that it should still be my birthday – you know,  treats, party hats and special treatment.  I call this the birthday-princess mentality.  It happens. The birthday princess mentality is kin to other princess mentalities […]...
Family Motherhood my story Parenting

A special birthday

When Timothy was born, there was a brief hush over the delivery room — enough time for me to realize there must be a problem.  Fearing the worst, I asked my husband if the baby had died.  No, he said, he’s going to be fine. As Timothy was born, the doctor could see that the […]...
Family Homemaking

A new week ahead…

It’s Sunday night.  Everything’s picked up, put away, swept and tidy — as we did again this morning and again this evening.  Tomorrow’s a new day… I’m planning for another day to wash, vacuum, pick up, put away, teach, sweep and tidy… all while caring for, cooking for, washing for and looking after our family […]...
Family Gardening In the Kitchen Recipes

Autumn’s ushering in Winter

It’s sure chilly-chilly here tonight!!  The forecast even includes snow!  Suddenly it seems to be just fine to give up wishing for warmer days and working in the garden for the year — for now, baking season is here!   And around our home it’s time for “special requests.”  By this, I mean that it’s time […]...
Family Motherhood Parenting

seventeen years

In a moment, in a twinkling of an eye…  it hardly seems possible that seventeen years have passed by since our seventh child was born.  How marvelous the Lord has been to bless us with this son.  How sweet the Lord is.  I am taking the time to write about this tonight bcz over the […]...
Devotionals Family


Significant to me are the milestones in my life that were either turning points or celebrations or decisions.  Some of the turning points were simply changes in direction of thought or action; simple things like: from this day forward, I will________.   I have marked many of the “I will’s” in my Bible or on stones […]...