To my precious children… how strange it is to be apart from you this day. How interesting that the Lord would, in His wisdom, goodness and mercy, have us to be a million miles apart on this day. But as I have held you in my heart from the day you were born, so also, I hold you in my heart this day. And I am missing you terribly.
But I also know that the Lord is in the details, having orchestrated this whole trip, this is His doing and it is marvelous in our eyes. I genuinely rest in complete joy and assurance that you are in the mighty hand of the Lord: that He has blessed, redeemed, equipped and filled you, each one with His Holy Spirit and that none can pluck you out of His hand. I am comforted that you are competent beyond my comprehension and blessed beyond my greatest hope and vision for your lives. I am, above all women, most blessed.
I pray that I might be to you even a particle of the great joy and blessing you are to me. I pray to be even a glimmer of the hope you are in my life and I pray to be even a shadow of the good things the Lord has done, and will do, in and through you.
So, this mother’s happy day 2011, I ache missing you — often picturing each of your beautiful faces. And I once again thank you for the great privilege it is and has been to bear you, to care for you, to pray for you, to know you and to look forward to the days ahead for each one of you.
Thank you all for your patience with me, for your forgiveness for my many failings and shortcomings – for my shortsightedness and distractions. I sincerely thank you for your forgiveness. Thank you for the encouragement you have been both for me and to me. Thank you for bearing with me in the recent past as choppy waters have flooded my life/our lives, actions and thoughts. I’m grateful to you, each one, for standing with me all these years… but most of all for the honour it is and has been to be your mama.
I praise the Lord for the opportunities of your lives… and for the undeserved, immeasurable and inestimable blessings in mine.
And… yes, you can go open your gifts. God bless you more and more. Happy mother’s happy day to each one of you.
with love and thanks,
And ye know in all your hearts and in all your souls,
that not one thing hath failed of all the good things
which the LORD your God spake concerning you;
all are come to pass unto you,
and not one thing hath failed thereof.