
looking forward

coffee cupI sure want to thank all who wrote all the wonderful posts, the kind words and share great ideas and inspiration on the other blog. I’m so blessed by all the different comments, links and reciprocal blogs. It’s with joy that I look forward to the days ahead.

I smile today bcz time has a way of sort of working things out… or the LORD in eternity works things out as we walk along day by day. So, I also smile as I see the passage of time and all the ways the LORD works.

At the close of this day, I’m mindful that I’ve been a grandmother for five years… and have been saying the long good-bye to the last baby in our home for five years as well. So, to fret over losses is really not worth the time… especially when stacked up against the truly important, data losses are quite miniscule, really.

But, truly, thank you all for the gracious comments… I look forward to writing and pray to encourage all the more. I have lost some very good blog links and I’d sure like to replace them… if yours is missing, please feel free to write so that I can include it again.

family journal

I am posting a new page that will be sort of a journal of family pictures and slices of family life. It’s easier for me to post and edit pictures on the website. Adds a bit of variety, too.

pamela sid

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