More Slices of Life

about that food processor

Wellp, it’s been a great day.  We had the loveliest drive to Canada.  Yes… it’s a drive –but always worth it.  The autumn leaves were spectacular (probably not as they would be in the New England states, but incredibly beautiful nonetheless).  With each turn of the road, it was like we were continually entering a […]...
More Slices of Life

A Crown of… glory

I can hardly write today as I am giddy with excitement over an appointment I have tomorrow morning.  I am considering all the delightful things that are equal in value… a used car… a Bosch mixer and *all* the attachments.  A computerized sewing machine… well a low end machine, anyway. A digital camera and a […]...
More Slices of Life PCOS

a slice of an october day

I thought about writing one more post about flies. And then I decided, nah, the first was enough and two was too many. However, day three of my fly-capturing adventure went very well. I think our team won with an arsenal of fly-paper strips hanging in every room and the ever present shop vac: thwp, […]...
More Slices of Life

“ooooo, that’s different!”

In the ongoing saga of attempting to set up an online “store,” we continue to find out that there’s just “one more thing” to take care of before we can do the next thing and “just one more thing” till that can happen and so on. So, yesterday, we were sitting at the bank opening […]...
Family More Slices of Life

the progression of pots…

I’m smiling at how things change in life… and how, in a mind-boggling way, they really don’t change all that much at all.  As I reached for a pot for making farina this morning, I smiled as I recalled how I delighted in putting the whole set of my new pots and pans in the […]...
Homeschooling More Slices of Life

Another Homeschooling Year

The above cartoon is funny to me. Funny things always seem to contain a curious blend of truth, a stretch of that truth and a bit of fiction. Funny thing is, the fiction parallels the truth so closely that it’s hard to make a distinction sometimes. Well, so the above cartoon is funny to me. […]...
More Slices of Life

A time to every purpose under the heaven…

I keep thinking… no, I *cannot* be in this season.  As if any day now, things will get back to normal.  I will revert back to normal coloured hair, I will have tight upper arms, and the skin of my neck will resemble the skin of my forearm once again.  I keep thinking that any […]...
More Slices of Life

The You-Know-You-Want-Me Clothes

I spent the day yesterday with the olders… the olders, meaning the four oldest at home (and that, thankfully, included Timothy). We sort of followed an oft taken course… Penney’s in town, the bank and Starbucks. Our little town really only has one viable clothing store and we’re thus forced to drive a tad bit […]...
More Slices of Life

About that oven…

So… remember that sparkling clean oven I had just a few nights ago?  Well… it’s not any longer. As if to reenact the barbecue effect in the kitchen tonight, I dumped the contents of pecan pie bars on the oven floor.  So, that’s why the oven is no longer sparkling clean.  And why there’s a […]...
More Slices of Life

coffee & photographs

It’s a dreary day here in the Pacific Northwest. It’s cold, too. The Seattle area didn’t buy tickets to the global warming event, nor offer to host it. Apparently. It’s day nine of the Umpteenth and One diet. I’m drinking a mocha. No one bought it for me, it’s not a reward for changed behaviour […]...