“It’s life… it’s alive.”

“I saw the baby… and it was over… what am I doing? … what am I doing here? … there was life in here and now, there’s not… they don’t want people to see what’s really happening in a woman’s womb… this is it, I’m leaving… Planned Parenthood put a restraining order on me now that they know what I am working with the pro-life movement…” — Abby Johnson

One thought on ““It’s life… it’s alive.”

  1. Hello Dear Pamela!
    First of all, I miss your daily blogs. I know that you are busy, though.
    I have been looking through your website again….I say again because it is one of my very favourite places to visit when I have time to do so!
    I was looking at the modest ladies’ clothing area on your site and I was wanting to remind your readers that a VERY VERY good place to buy modest clothing CAN be the Goodwill Stores! I have bought almost all of my clothing there and I find denim and khaki skirts for my daughters and myself there for casual wear as well. Sometimes I have to sew up the slit in the back but I have found incredible bargains there! It is also someplace to find very good bargains for young girls dresses, church dresses and play dresses. We are hoping to expand our family by adopting (I would love to have a little girl but I would equally love a little boy…or two! We already have a fairly large family but have room in our house and in our hearts for one or two more!) Anyway, I have been buying little girl dresses and little boy clothes at the Goodwill in various sizes just in case God grants us this prayer request! I want to encourage other ladies that we can dress in pretty clothes, dresses and skirts, at a bargain if we thrift shop. Also, often I worry that I am going to ruin one of my skirts if I clean in it but if I have only paid a few dollars for it at Goodwill, I will not be losing very much money. (And then it can be my “cleaning” skirt!) Also, I have been able to buy a lot of Christmas gifts at the Goodwill this year…some brand new and still in packages. I have also bought newish stuffed animals for my children and washed them in the washer….DON’T DRY them!! I’ve made that mistake!!!!
    I have purchased coffee and tea cups and then put drink mixes in them to give as gifts.
    Often these thrift stores have half price days or half price tag colors to even allow you to save more!

    Thanks for your site!

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