Devotionals Hawai'i marriage


Thirty three  and a quarter years ago today, Wes and I were married in SanFrancisco.  The glow we had that 4th day of February truly was the glow of love, but it was also the glow of a high fever — a fever that led us to go to the doctor for meds and a […]...
Devotionals Internet Addiction Motherhood my story

Living Long

Living long.  I’ve been thinking about this a lot recently.  I’ve been wondering to my self: what would I be doing today if I had been living long for the last thirty-some-odd years?  What would I have accomplished or done differently had I been living long all these years of marriage and motherhood? This train […]...
Devotionals Gardening my story

Springtime… seasons

The lacy green leaves are slowly appearing and daffodils are beginning to bloom around the old willow tree.  Isn’t it an awesome wonder: Every year, every passing season, has its marvelous reminders of the lavish mercy and everlasting kindness of the Lord.  May I never take this for granted nor think it not majestic. Passing […]...
Devotionals Life in Laodicea Society The Church Today

The Love of the Truth

Can you believe we’re living in these days?  That in the history of the world — His-story — we’re alive in these days!  Remarkable!  Truly remarkable!  These thoughts and more came to me while reading in 2 Thessalonians 2 and elsewhere today. All over the world there are great surges of sensational events  — and […]...
Devotionals my story

Then help me learn…

So many times — so many times over the years I’ve asked the Lord to help me learn… Lord, help me learn from this expensive lesson.  Lord, I know the situation I’m in is from You… help me learn.  Lord, if You have handed me this experience… then help me learn.  Lord, even if I […]...
Devotionals prayers and answers

You’re going to need this

A mother hands a child a coat as he prepares to head out the door.  You’re going to need this, she says, it’s cold outside.  Another time, she hands the child an umbrella.  You’re going to need this, she says, it’s raining out and you’ll get wet if you don’t open it as you step […]...
CSA Devotionals my story

So, why does stuff happen?

Do you find yourself asking the “why did that happen?” question? Why in the world did that happen? Or, why did this happen to me?  Or, how could this have happened? We all ask some such question from time to time.  Even when we don’t mean to bring up our doubtful questioning in conversation, our […]...

Don’t send opportunity away

What do you have in your hand?   Are you wanting to send opportunity away? Most of the time, that’s the basis for our willingness to obey the Lord… our willingness to obey or our willingness to serve is based on what we’ve got in our hand or what we think we can do.  Our […]...
Abortion NewsDuJour

And then… the Truth will come

Today’s mess news:  Eyes on Wisconsin… then keep ’em open toward DC, Michigan, Minnesota, Ohio, California — and Idaho.   Just keep watching… this looks to be the groundswell of a massive eruption, an avalanche of chaos and destruction.   Omy, it’s just so incredible to be alive during this time in history. I frequently find myself  […]...
Devotionals NewsDuJour

Be ye not troubled

Reading today in the Word… Over a cup of coffee with you. Mark 13 7  And when ye shall hear of wars and rumours of wars, be ye not troubled: for such things must needs be; but the end shall not be yet. 8  For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and […]...